Water Crisis

Performance Tasks (YHS Fulbright-Hays 2022)

Proficiency Level Intermediate Mid/High

Performance Tasks:

Interpretive: Students put in categories the words in the glossary below. They view the documentary film and create a concept map of the issue and their suggested solutions:



  • हिरन हिरणी – male and female deer
  • शिकारी m. – hunter
  • तीर नहीं लगा हुआ है – no arrow has pierced them
  • दोनों की मौत कैसे हुई – how did both die?
  • बूँद f. – drop
  • अनमोल – priceless
  • बर्दाश्त = सहन – suffering 
  • बारिश का नामोनिशन तक नहीं है – no sign of rain whatsoever
  • मेंढक m. – frog
  • अनाज m. – grain
  • घड़ा m. – jar 
  • टाँका m. – container
  • इकट्ठा करना – to collect
  • रिवाज – ritual
  • मिट्ठा प्रसाद – sweet offering
  • सुखी f. – drought = वर्षा की कमी 
  • संघर्ष m. – struggle
  • कठोर – nasty
  • भू – soil < > जल – water
  • हँसी उड़ाना – to laugh at
  • बदौलत – through
  • पीने के पानी का इंतज़ाम करना – to manage drinking water
  • स्वच्छ – pure, clean
  • छत पर गिरनेवाला पानी – water falling from the roof

  • छोटे संकड़े कुएँ – small narrow wells
  • तालाब m. – lake 
  • ठोस कारीगरी – substantial craft work 
  • मवेशी – livestock   
  • लावारिस m. – orphan
  • पंचायत m. – village council
  • राजा m. – king < > प्रजा f. – subjects
  • शानदार – splendid
  • (हाथी तक या घोड़े तक) डुबो देना – to flood 
  • प्रेरणा भरपूर – full of  inspiration 
  • रेवती – wealth 
  • पहुँचाना – to supply
  • संचित – irrigated
  • नतीजा m. – result
  • के अलावा – except for
  • परम्परा f. – tradition
  • माँग f. रखना – to make a demand
  • अधिनियम m. – regulation
  • कार्यन्वित – acting
  • रोज़गार m. – livelihood
  • पंजीकरण m. – registration
  • ग़रीबी रेखा f. – poverty line
  • X की  मरम्मत करना – to repair
  • पुनर्जीवित – revived
  • ज़िला प्रमुख – chief regional official
  • उपलब्ध कराना – to make available 
  • नि:शुल्क – free of charge
  • समुदाय m. – community
  • सिंचाई f. – irrigation


  • Student A is a guest at the Satyaev Jayate show — the village sarpanch explaining to a ziilaa official also present at the show the issue in his community from sanitary, health and logistical perspectives.
  • Student B is a ziilaa official, guest at the Satyameva Jayate show, explaining that the water situation is not as bad as in the city — it is not available there either, it is more polluted than in the village, there are no clean rivers or ponds around

Presentational: In the role of a villager, students write an email to the Satyaev Jayate producers about the situation of their village, explaining

a) what the conditions are: पानी की समस्या क्या है? 
b) what the reasons are: वजह क्या है?  
c) what needs to be done समस्या को हल करने के लिए क्या करना चाहिए? 
They use at least 6 obligatory constructions:
Xको काम करना चाहिए 
Xको काम करना है / था / होगा 
Xको काम करना पड़ता है / पड़ा / पड़ेगा 
Including 3 conditional sentences अगर… तो… 
Follow-up: Students view Satyaeva Jayate Water Episode  
Group 1: (5:32-7:55) 
Group 2: (8:00-8:50)
Group 3: (village solution 40:52-44:27) 
Group 4 (city solution 48:54-50:28)
Jigsaw: In their new group, students in the role of a local community Task Force:
  • describe the issue in their specific community
  • explain what the needs and goals are
  • create a plan how to solve the crisis and save water.

Students make a ppt presentation to raise funds for their community project.