Yoga Lesson 1. योग: हमारे जीवन में इसका महत्व

Photo by Dinesh Shenoy

Lesson designed by Bhavya Singh                    Lesson 2

Time: 2×75

Proficiency level: Intermediate Range (HLL/FLL)

Lesson Objectives: Students are able to:


  • Analyze and categorize the main idea and key information about various physical activities, daily diet, Yoga and its benefits and design a general health and physical activity survey to interview community members to identify areas of achievement and of improvement.


  • Elicit, share and discuss examples of health routines and customer testimonials of Yoga practitioners during interview.
  • Exchange information related to possible cause of various health issues and its potential cure and preventive measures through Yoga.
  • Compare and analyze their daily diet and workout routines with Yoga by filling out a table of similarities and differences in general physical activities, reasons to do them,  Yoga-related benefits and eating habits.


  • Present information about Yogic practices and their benefits for health and wellness to various community members (senior citizens, military personals, firefighters, children), on International Yoga day, (June 21) to encourage people to try and experience free Yoga sessions and start practicing Yoga.

FLL: video presentation/ Yoga flyer/ Yoga Booklet

HLL: video presentation with PPT

  • Describe different Yoga experiences and dietary changes and list overall health improvement in order to convince community members to participate in a Yoga program.
  • Introduce an upcoming Yoga workshop, explain membership rules and policies, suggest personalized health goals, diet and exercise plans, in order to encourage audience to sign up for the Yoga club.

Real Life Purpose:

  • School Yoga Club/class startup
  • Introductory Yoga and health wellness sessions at local community centers.
  • Free trial classes on the occasion of International yoga day.

Role:  Yoga instructor/ Prospective Clients

Audience: Community members, school students, armed forces personals

Format: Video presentation with PPT (HLL)/ flyer (FLL)

Topic: Health benefits of practicing Yoga.

Language Targets:

  • Vocabulary related to Yoga, health and wellness
  • Conditional sentences– यदि + subjunctive, तब + future.
  • Subjunctive including the conditional.
  • Verbs of phisical exercise (उठना, दोड़ना, चलना, खेलना, तेरना)

Performance tasks:

Interpretive: Students in the role of community members view the video. They create and fill out a table of health and wellness routines and habits with several columns(e.g. daily exercise, physical activities (including Yoga), effects on health and well-being, aily diet and number of meals per day, work habits, etc.

दैनिक दिनचर्या – (उठकर करता/करती हूँ, उसके बाद, फिर, अंत में) 1. सुबह 2. दोपहर 3. शाम 4. रात

भोजन – (लेती/लेता  हूँ, खाना पसंद हैं क्यूँकि, सेहत के लिए लाभदायक, इससे —-मिलती हैं, आती हैं, होती हैं, होता हैं) 1. सुबह 2. दोपहर 3. शाम 4. रात

व्यायाम /शारीरिक गतिविध्यो  के प्रकार – 1. 2. 3. 

व्यायाम के लाभ -( इससे —–लाभ होता हैं,— महसूस होता हैं, बढ़ता हैं, कम होता हैं, नियंत्रण में रहता हैं, शक्तिशाली/मज़बूत बनता है)


  • Group A students as Yoga experts interview a group of community members 
  • Group B students, as community members (e.g. senior citizens, police and firefighters) ask about why and how they can join Yoga classes.
  1. क्या आप व्यायाम करते हैं?
  2. आप व्यायाम में क्या करते हैं?
  3. क्या आप को व्यायाम करना अच्छा लगता हैं? क्यूँ?
  4. यदि आप को अपना दैनिक व्यायाम बदलना हो तो क्या करेंगे, क्यूँ?
  5. क्या आप योगा करेंगे? क्यूँ या क्यूँ नहीं?

Group B: Students as community members ask questions related to the benefits of Yoga, and inquiring if it could help them with their physical issues and how? (क्या लाभ हैं? क्या इससे——में मदद होगी? क्या —–करना होगा?)

HLLs: Based on the provided written information, Group B complete the Yoga registration form as new clients.

FLLs: Prospective clients make notes based on audio information on the benefits of Yoga, location information, fees, schedule of upcoming Yoga classes, etc. 

योगा के लाभ (करने से —–में फ़ायदा होता हैं, कम होता हैं, बढ़ता हैं, नियंत्रण में रहता हैं, शुल्क, कक्षा अनुसूची, स्थान, नियम)


  • Students as Yoga experts create using voice thread an online presentation about the benefits of Yoga and its impact on mental, physical, spiritual health and share with community members. They also share the information on the grand opening membership deals at the Yoga Center on the occasion of International Yoga Day to encourage people to signup for their classes.
  •  FLL create a poster on inviting community to visit the Yoga Center celebrate International Yoga day. 

Students use the target language structures: 5 conditional sentences (if + subjunctive, then + future tense), 5 sentences with subjunctive (in simple sentences as polite suggestions and in complex sentences – ज़रूरी है कि, आशा है कि)  and use expressions such as: शररिक विषमताय, २) मुख्य कारण, ३) योगा चिकित्सा के तरीक़े/ योगा के बचावकारी तरीक़े, ४) योगा के लाभ

Online Resources:

  1. योग के लाभ
  2. योग और व्यायाम में अंतर
  4. योग चिकित्सा के लाभयोग-चिकित्सा-के-लाभ-112091100059_1.htm