Proficiency level: Novice High/Intermediate Low
Time: 2X75min
Objectives: Students can:
- describe the typical weather during a given season
- ask and answer questions about the weather
- describe typical activities during each season
- use week days and parts of the day to describe the weather
- review present habitual tense
- use future tense for planning a trip
- use intoductory clauses, such as आशा/उम्मीद है कि। .. ., सम्भावना है/ हो सकता है कि …, ऐसा लगता है कि … + future tense
Learning Scenarios:
1. Students brainstorm and create a concept map of time to check knowledge of days of the week, parts of the day, months and seasons.
Handout 1. हफ़्ते / सप्ताह के दिन
दिन m.
रात f. सोमवार मंगलवार बुधवार गुरुवार शुक्रवार शनिवार रविवार अगला पिछला |
day night Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday coming previous |
कल परसों परसों सुबह f. शाम f. हफ़्ता / सप्ताह m. महीना m. साल m.
yesterday/tomorrow day before yesterday day after tomorrow morning evening week week month year |
मौसम weather
मौसम m ऋतु f. जाड़ा m / सर्दी f. वसन्त m. गरमी / गर्मी f. पतझड़ m. तापमान m. नमी f. बर्फ़ m. हवा f. आँधी f. तूफान m. आसमान / आकाश m धूप f. |
weather season winter spring summer fall temperature humidity snow/ice wind storm hurricane sky sky sun light |
बादल m. इन्द्र धनुष m. बाग़ m. पेड़ m. ठंडा adj. गरम adj. साफ़ adj बारिश f. होना बिजली f. चमकना बादल m. गरजना बर्फ़ f. गिरना पत्तियाँ गिरना हवा f. बहना |
cloud rainbow garden tree cold hot/warm clear to rain flightning to flash clouds to thunder snow to fall leaves to fall wind to blow |
2. Teacher makes a distinction between weather and season. Students describe each season based on Handout 1. (इस ऋतू की क्या विशेषताएँ हैं, क्या खासियत है). They check the chart in Handout 2 to familiarize themselves with the Indian calendar.
3. Teacher leads the students to talk about weather and forecast. Handout 3 (below). Each group receives specific pictures and they describe the weather on them and formulate what people typically do during that season.
Handout 3. Weather terms:
- Sunlight: धूप f.
- Cloud: बादल m.
- Small cloud: बदली f.
- Light and shade: धूप-छाँव
- Rain: बारिश f.
- Severe rain: तेज बारिश,
- Drizzle: बूँदा-बाँदी f.
- Lightening (electricity): बिजली f.
- Lightening to flash: बिजली चमकना
- Thunder to rumble: बिजली कड़कना / गरजना
- Snow: हिम m.
- Snow fall: बर्फ़ गिरना/ पड़ना, बर्फ़बारी /हिमपात
- Storm: आँधी f /तूृफ़ान m.
- Stormy: तूफ़ानी
4. Students in groups choose a specific city and fill out a table (Handout 3.) based on the forecast for that city according to the weather website. They begin using future tense.
Handout 4. Table:
Instructions: One of your friends is planning to visit your city/town next week. Please complete the following chart and tell him/her about the weather forecast in your city/town based on the weather website. Use future tense.
मौसम का पूर्वानुमान शहर का नाम…………………………………
Homework: The teacher assigns sections from the text भारत की ऋतुएं for students to match season with seasonal foods and or seasons with activities.
Suggested follow-up: