Generations (Rythm of the Street) पीढ़ियाँ (सड़क की लय)

For audiofiles, text and questions go to Susham Bedi’s Page

A. Proficiency Level: Intermediate Mid/High (3X75 min.)

B. Objectives: Students will be able to:CityMom-Daughter

  • describe differences and similarities of family relationships in India and the U.S.
  • express an opinion about generation differences in India and the U.S.
  • argue a position about traditional vs. modern values


  • use compound verbs: पूछ लिया, बहक जाती (sources: 1, 2, 3)
  • use aspects — continuous: बनी रहती है,चलता ही रहता है; intensifying:  बचते आए हैं and frenquentative : आया जाया करते थे
  • use emphatic particles: तो, भी, ही

C. Performance Assessment:

  • Students produce the script and video recording of an ad showing attitudes and behaviors of different generations.
  • Students take on a role of a character from the story and participate in a Talk Show “Bolo ji” defending their position and the values they believe in. They provide at least 5 examples of inter-generational tensions.
  • Rubrics for evaluation of student work.

D. Learning Scenarios:

Sessions I.

1. Students brainstorm in think-pair-share configuration about generational differences and teacher writes notes on the board.

2. Gigsaw — Students watch funny ad (6.25-7.30 min.) and Tanishq Mother’s Day ad and in groups discuss five differences in the lives of youth and adults. They switch groups and share their ideas.

3. Students create the script of the ad and are instructed to use  at least 3 compound verbs and 3 aspects. Students perform the ad.

4. For homework students read सड़क की लय — in pairs they are assigned excerpts of the text and listen along the author’s voice recording (the assigned files).

Session II.CityFamily

5. In class, in groups they are instructed to:

a) describe the main characters from their part of the story (Neha, her parents and Peter)

b) summarize what happens in their excerpts to re-create the plot

d) listen to the author’s interview

c) extent the story with an ending what happens 5 years later. They are instructed to use 2 emphatic particles, 2 compounds and 2 aspects.

5. For homework students read the whole story.

Session III.

6. In class in pairs students work on the Freytag’s Plot Pyramid. They change partner and show each other their pyramid. They consider the following questions:

सुषम बेदी की कहानी में मुख्य पात्र कौन है और उसके द्वारा किस विषय को उजागर किया गया है? 

उस पात्र को किस प्रकार की समस्या का सामना करना पड़ा और उसने कैसे किया?

Freytags Plot Pyramid

7. “Through the Character’s eye” – students are assigned/choose a character from the story — they prepare and present a self introduction (use “I” as the character would) and the other students guess who he is.

8. In pairs students find and write at least 6 quotes from the story that reveal something about  their characters (include the page #) and orally explain what each quote tells them about the character.

9. In pairs students analyze what issue, and what group of people their two characters represent and share.

10. For homework: in groups of 3-5 students prepare for “Bolo ji” — they take on the role of one of the characters, including the talk show host and argue their position.

Session IV.

10. The class watches the shows (recorded or live) and on a sheet each student gives ratings to each show along with one comment including:

  • what they like
  • a suggestion or point of disagreement
  • a clarification question