In the News: Migration, Occupation, Representation & more!

A round-up of recent religion news. Continue Reading →

Everybody's Sacred Cows or Nobody's Sacred Cows? Equality for Impieties

By Austin Dacey F. M. Husain was hounded out of his native India…by Hindu conservatives outraged by his nude portaits of Hindu goddesses. Continue Reading →

Everybody’s Sacred Cows or Nobody’s Sacred Cows? Equality for Impieties

By Austin Dacey F. M. Husain was hounded out of his native India…by Hindu conservatives outraged by his nude portaits of Hindu goddesses. Continue Reading →

A Human Right to Blaspheme?

by Austin Dacey Do you have a human right to blaspheme? Ask a philosopher and you may get two different answers. Continue Reading →

Religious Studies in Illinois

An excerpt from the letter that Dr. Kenneth J. Howell sent to his University of Illinois “Introduction to Catholicism” students in preparation for a test, below.  After a student anonymously complained that the letter constituted “hate speech,” Dr. Howell was removed from his position.  Alliance Defense Fund has taken up a law suit against the university on behalf of Dr. Howell, claiming that he was fired for his religious beliefs. Continue Reading →

First Mel Gibson Came for the Jews…

He’s run through anti-semitism (The Passion of the Christ), classism (restraining order against a homeless man?!) and now — it’s not a new saw — racism.  HuffPo, the LA Times, and the San Francisco Chronicle are all reporting that Gibson’s been caught on tape using the N-word while slandering his former girlfriend and, uh, baby mama.

The Revealer spent a lot of time covering Gibson’s media melees over the past few years, including the release of The Passion.  We’ve combed through our archives for some Gibson classics so you don’t have to: Continue Reading →