NYU Receives STARS Gold Rating for Sustainability Achievements

Gold Seal that says: "Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System -STARS. A program of aashe." GoldFor over a decade, NYU has raised the bar in making our campus and community more sustainable. But we often hear the question: how are we doing?

This month, NYU officially received a Gold rating through the Sustainability Tracking Assessment & Rating System (STARS), conducted by the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE). With more than 900 participants in 40 countries, AASHE’s STARS program is the most widely recognized framework in the world for publicly reporting comprehensive information related to a college or university’s sustainability performance. NYU’s STARS Gold score ranks us in the top 30% of certified institutions.

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NYU Fights Food Insecurity During COVID-19

New York, the city that never sleeps, has gone silent. As we transition to remote learning and working, we are struck with the inequalities being both created and deepened by COVID-19. NYU is a university not only in the city, but of the city. It is our responsibility and privilege to answer the call in one of New York’s greatest times of need.

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NYU Helps Inaugurate Climate Alliance Among Top Global Research Universities

International Universities Climate AllianceNYU has long been a leader in climate change research (don’t forget to sign up for our mailing list to receive information about our first Climate Connections conference featuring faculty research into climate change, to be held Fall 2020). Now, NYU is helping to inaugurate a new international group – the International Universities Climate Alliance – to help communicate the research insights of faculty at NYU and across the globe.

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Must Read: Environmental Edition

I, like many other house-bound folks during quarantine, have promised myself that I want to spend time doing something OTHER than Netflix: work out, maybe even start baking bread? One thing that’s definitely on the list is reading. For transparency sake, reading also made an appearance on my ‘new year resolution’ list, but trust me – this time, it’s different. 

We’ve compiled a list of environmental must-reads. Some are fiction, some are fact, but all of them are fantastic. We’ve even included a few selections for kids, for the parents who are learning how to homeschool their kids for the first time.  Read more

10 Actions For a VIRTUAL Earth Month

virtual earth month 2020

As we practice social distancing and find ways to reach out and check in with our neighbors, we are being called to consider how our actions affect the most vulnerable among us; is that not the very same collective action the climate crisis demands?

To that end, recent reports have examined how social distancing due to the spread of the coronavirus may have unexpected consequences for climate change. Many of the actions people are taking during this time from reducing air travel to consuming less could significantly reduce one’s carbon footprint.

Though in-person gatherings in honor of Earth Day at 50 have been cancelled or postponed, there are still ways to mark this occasion even in self-isolation. Here are 10 things you can start doing during this unique moment to stay healthy and safe while honoring the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, and committing to a more sustainable life now and into the future. Read more