Women’s (Green) History Month Spotlight: Sunita Narain

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In honor of Women’s History Month, we’re celebrating four leading ladies of sustainability. Whether they are prominent in environmental activism, climate research or just plain awesome we want you to know the important and diverse faces of the modern green movement.

The first spotlight is activist Sunita Narain, one of  India’s most respected environmentalists. She led the Centre for Science and Environment since 1982 where she’s been busy fighting for better air quality in one of the world’s most polluted cities, New Delhi. 

As a scientist, Narain uses her research in sustainable growth to advocate for a different kind of development. Her plans include scrapping traditional industry which is “intrinsically toxic” and relies heavily on unsustainable resources. Narain wisely said countries like China and India who are undergoing rapid growth “have no choice but to reinvent the development trajectory.”

If that isn’t inspiring enough, Narain was also the head of a tiger task force! Narain pushed for the conservation of tigers’ habitats and fair compensation for the local people to peacefully coexist with their furry (and endangered) neighbors.

Courtesy of ScoopWhoop

For her decades of work, she was named one of Time’s Most Influential People in 2016 and awarded the Padma Shri, a prestigious Indian civilian honor.

You can check out Narain in the documentary Before the Flood talking about the dire effects of strong Monsoon seasons caused by climate change or read her articles on the popular environmentalist website, Down to Earth.

But just because Narain is an amazing activist and scientist, doesn’t mean she has always been successful. In a matter of fact, she’s faced a lot of opposition from the government, industry and people unwilling to change their ways. What’s so uplifting is Narain keeps on fighting and always demands for more action. I’ll leave you with a nugget of Narain wisdom, “As an activist, I am never happy with what happens, I always want more.”