The inaugural NYU Technology Summit celebrated the University’s collective accomplishments of using technology in innovative ways. NYU President Andrew Hamilton kicked off the day, followed by Len Peters, NYU IT CIO, and keynote speaker, Dr. Yann LeCun.
To Move
Rain, Sleet, or Snow
In February of 2018, 3D scanning and printing experts at NYU’s LaGuardia Studio arrived at NYU Langone Health to scan the face of William Fisher. The Studio was tasked with creating a highly-detailed, lifelike mask to replace the face he was donating to another. This is the story of the 34 hours Studio staff spent as part of this procedure.
Games and VR at the LaGuardia Co-op
The LaGuardia Co-op provides computer workstations, collaboration space, and other resources. In the lower level, you’ll find a gaming lounge, VR console, and other ways to help you temporarily take your mind off your coursework — unless, that is, your course work involves gaming and VR. In which case, the Co-op still has you covered.
Digital Humanities + Data
In the 1800s, Colden’s Liquid Beef Tonic was sold as a cure for alcoholism. It’s primary ingredient? Alcohol. This may not be the sort of thing one expects to learn at an event dedicated to discussing data visualization and research. DH+Data Day is a testament to the expansions in who uses data, what they use it for, and how it’s analyzed.
URL Defense, New Security Feature in NYU Email
As part of NYU’s commitment to help protect the University’s networks and data, NYU IT launched a new email security feature on September 28. In compliance with NYU IT’s security policies, email protection is a priority. The University’s existing email security tool prevents external email with known malicious URLs from reaching your inbox. This new […]
Unbreakable Makers
“It worked yesterday…why is it not working today?” exclaims a voice. Hidden behind black curtains, cardboard, and a sea of wires, two campers are sitting in front of screens of various sizes. “Come in, come in — this will be a spaceship tomorrow!” they laugh as they continue connecting wires. This is ITP Camp, 12 hours before the end-of-camp show.
Technological Tunes in Steinhardt Summer Programs
The Summer Music Performance is the culmination of a program at the Steinhardt Department of Music and Performing Arts Professions that offers students an opportunity to learn about music technology, production, and performance.
Preparing Today’s Students for Tomorrow’s New York
“Preparing Today’s Students for Tomorrow’s New York” is a learning program that brings middle and high school students together with volunteers from NYU IT and Apple Inc. to help them learn educational and workplace skills using project-based learning methodologies.
Navigating Fair Use
Watch this 2-minute video narrated by NYU Libraries Scholarly Communications Librarian April Hathcock, which breaks down the basics of fair use and factors to consider when determining whether educational works qualify as fair use. You can also read April’s Connect article about fair use.
Web Browser Privacy
Privacy and security are synergistic, so paying attention to browser privacy settings and features is critical for your online security. In this article are some of the steps you can take and features you can take advantage of to help protect your privacy and security while browsing the web.