The NYU IT student, faculty, and staff tech guides have info about NYU Zoom, email, passwords, MFA/Duo, NYU Classes, cybersecurity, IT support, and more. The University’s NYU Returns site provides COVID-19 safety resources and other updates.
Use Google Rooms to Boost Collaboration
Google rooms provide a way to collaborate via chat and document sharing, similar to the popular app Slack. It’s especially handy for groups working in different locations and who need more robust collaboration features.
Introducing Greene: NYU’s Newest Supercomputer
NYU’s new supercomputer, Greene, is online and connected to an incredibly fast network! Hear from some of the University’s researchers about what this powerful new tool means for research across all academic fields.
New Gmail & Chat Features
Google is rolling out new features in NYU Email (Gmail) that will offer a more integrated, seamless experience with other Google Apps, as well as a few changes to the site design and chat tool.
Tech Town Hall: CIO Len Peters Responds to Student Questions
During a recent online town hall, Len Peters and NYU IT’s leadership team took questions from students on a wide range of tech-related topics.
Black Lives Matter, Racism, and Data
As equal rights and social justice protests spread this past year, the NYU Data Services team asked how data can contribute to confronting racism.
Cybersecurity Pros in Conversation
As part of the National Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2020, Maria C. Suarez, NYU’s Global CISO, spoke with Hoda A. Alkhzaimi, from NYU Abu Dhabi’s Center for Cyber Security, about tech security issues.
Are You Using NYU Zoom? Are You Sure?
We know NYU Zoom info has been coming fast and furious! If you need a hand wrangling all of that info, here are some highlights, recommendations, and tips.
Share Multimedia in Zoom
Want to play video or audio during an NYU Zoom meeting? Follow these steps to make sure everything runs smoothly.
NYU’s IT Sustainability Initiative and Greener Tech Habits
As IT remains committed to NYU’s sustainability goals, the IT Sustainability Initiative has exciting news, updates, and steps you can take at home or on campus to keep us moving towards a more sustainable future.