Google recently added a new feature to the Calendar and introduced a redesigned version of Hangouts video calls.
You can now use the out-of-office feature to automatically decline meetings and notify event organizers that you are not available. The out-of-office feature can be used for full-day, multi-day, or hourly events. You can set, update, and enable or disable out-of-office hours when you create a new or update an existing Calendar event.
Hangouts Is Now Hangouts Meet
Google has updated Hangouts video calls with a new version called Meet. The functionality remains the same; the only change will be that when you add a video call to a calendar or start one at, it will now create a Hangouts meeting. Initiating a video call in NYU Email will still create a classic Hangouts video call. (Note that you will need to clear your browser cache and cookies in order to access the new site at See the Google support website for more details about this update.