Tag Archives: Paul Nathanson

Carlin Speech Signals DOJ White Collar Enforcement Priorities

by Greg Andres, Uzo Asonye, Martine Beamon, Robert Cohen, Daniel Kahn, Tatiana Martins, Paul Marquardt, Fiona Moran, Paul Nathanson, and Daniel Stipano

Principal Associate Deputy Attorney General John Carlin previewed the Department of Justice’s (“DOJ”) refocused corporate enforcement efforts during a speech on October 5, 2021 at GIR Connect: New York.  Carlin’s speech underscored the primary levers a new administration can pull to quickly and meaningfully impact the white collar enforcement space: messaging increased white collar enforcement to relevant stakeholders, instituting new and revising existing policies, creating dedicated taskforces, and increasing resources for white collar enforcement.  Carlin addressed each of these categories by outlining key DOJ priorities, including increased enforcement related to sanctions, export controls, and cryptocurrency; continued expansion of international cooperation and coordination; a “surge” in resources, exemplified by a new dedicated FBI squad for Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (“FCPA”), market integrity, and health care fraud investigations; an upcoming review and revision of corporate enforcement policies; continued and increased use of data-driven enforcement techniques; enhanced and expanded international cooperation; and a warning regarding companies’ compliance with subpoenas and the terms of resolution agreements.

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