Tag Archives: Jai Massari

10 Key Takeaways from the Federal Reserve’s Final Rule on CSI and FOIA

by Luigi L. De Ghenghi, Randall D. GuynnJai R. Massari, Margaret E. Tahyar, Eric McLaughlin, Daniel E. Newman, and Eric B. Lewin 

The Federal Reserve’s recent updates to its regulations on confidential supervisory information (CSI) and availability of information under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)[1] include several meaningful modifications to adapt these rules for the digital age of emails, data rooms and slide decks and the modern organizational structure and operations of banking organizations.  

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NFA Members Should Prepare for Onerous New Breach Notification Requirements

by Avi Gesser, Jai Massari, Kelsey Clark, and Daniela Dekhtyar-McCarthy

On April 1, 2019, new cybersecurity requirements outlined in the NFA’s Interpretive Notice to NFA Compliance Rules 2-9, 2-36 and 2-49 will come into effect.  These new requirements apply to NFA Members, including registered futures commission merchants, commodity trading advisors, commodity pool operators, introducing brokers, retail foreign exchange dealers, and swap dealers.  They are designed to “establish general requirements relating to Members’ information systems security programs (ISSPs) but leave the exact form of an ISSP up to each Member.”  These ISSP obligations relate to, among others, approval and third-party cyber diligence (see our previous blog post).

Perhaps the most significant new obligation is the imposition of onerous breach notification requirements, which require NFA Members to notify the NFA “promptly” of any cybersecurity incident related to its commodity interest business that results in:

  • any loss of customer or counterparty funds;
  • any loss of an NFA Member’s own capital; or
  • the NFA Member providing notice to customers or counterparties under state or federal law.

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