Tag Archives: Gary DiBianco

Comparing French and U.K. Guidance on Corporate Cooperation to U.S. Practices

by Keith D. Krakaur, Ryan D. Junck, Gary DiBianco, Elizabeth Robertson, Christopher Bolyai, Margot Sève, Vanessa K. McGoldrick, and Molly Brien

On June 27, 2019, the French Financial Prosecutor (“PNF”) and the French Anticorruption Agency (“AFA”) published joint guidelines regarding the legal framework governing French DPAs (“CJIPs”) that address the conditions necessary for companies to be considered for a CJIP, including expectations for cooperation during an investigation (“French CJIP Guidance”).[1] On August 6, 2019, the U.K. Serious Fraud Office (“SFO”) published Corporate Co-operation Guidance (“U.K. Co-operation Guidance”) as part of the SFO Operational Handbook, detailing the steps companies are expected to undertake to obtain cooperation credit.

Both sets of guidance demonstrate further alignment of those jurisdictions’ deferred prosecution agreement (“DPA”) regimes with long-standing practices in the U.S., albeit with some notable areas of divergence. Continue reading