Tag Archives: Chris Hoyle

Sweeping Skeletons Out of the Corporate Closet: “Read Across” and Remediation

by Jonny Frank, Michele Edwards, and Chris Hoyle

photos of the speakers

Left to right: Jonny Frank, Michele Edwards, and Chris Hoyle (photos courtesy of StoneTurn, LLP)

It is tempting for organizations to downplay compliance violations as an isolated event attributable to a few bad apples. However, experience teaches that misconduct is often worse than initially thought. Wrongdoers who confess rarely admit to their complete wrongdoing. And it is common for the same or similar misconduct to occur across business lines and geographies.   

Because wrongdoing is often much more extensive than originally believed, organizations cannot afford to assume that an incident is an isolated event. Imagine the legal implications—and embarrassment—if the government, public or other stakeholders discover that an organization’s internal investigation failed to detect the full extent of the perpetrators’ wrongdoing or similar schemes committed by others in the organization. There may also be more extensive financial losses to recover that the organization needs to be aware of.

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Meeting (and Not Breaching) DOJ And SEC Corporate Settlement Agreements

by Jonny Frank, Laura Greenman, Chris Hoyle, Michele Edwards, and Ksenia Ioffe 

From left to right: Jonny Frank, Laura Greenman, Chris Hoyle, Michele Edwards, and Ksenia Ioffe. (Photos provided by the authors).

No Longer Just a Matter of Paying the Fine and Moving On

Corporate settlement agreements used to be straightforward—pay the penalty and move on.

Now, these resolutions rival complex business transactions, including months of negotiations and multi-year post-resolution obligations. Satisfying post-settlement commitments is a business imperative, not just a legal obligation. Meeting, if not exceeding obligations, helps restore brand value and improves employee and investor stakeholder confidence.

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