Category Archives: Corruption: Foreign

Confronting Percoco and Full Play: The Limitations of Honest Services Fraud and the Travel Act as an Alternative Source of Liability for Commercial Bribery

by Hector Correa Gaviria and Berke Gursoy

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Left to Right: Hector Correa Gaviria and Berke Gursoy (photos courtesy of authors)

On September 1st, 2023, District Court Judge Pamela Chen delivered a startling decision, overturning the honest services fraud convictions of Hernán Lopez, former Fox executive, and FullPlay Group, S.A., an Argentine sports marketing company. Lopez and FullPlay were convicted of federal wire fraud for bribing employees of the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) and CONMEBOL (the South American soccer federation under the umbrella of FIFA) to secure lucrative broadcasting contracts for some of Latin America’s most prestigious soccer tournaments and World Cup qualifying matches.

In United States v. Full Play,[1] a federal jury found that Lopez and FullPlay used U.S. wires to defraud FIFA by depriving the international soccer organization of the right to its employees’ faithful and honest services in violation of 18 U.S.C. §§ 1343 and 1346 (jointly referred to as honest services wire fraud “HSF”). However, soon after this conviction, the Supreme Court in Percoco v. United States limited the scope of HSF.[2] They did so by restricting the sources of fiduciary duty that can support an HSF conviction, holding that a limited number of on-point pre-McNally cases was insufficient to sustain an HSF conviction.[3] Through this ruling, Percoco essentially established a limiting principle for HSF; however, it did not articulate a test for when an actionable fiduciary duty under HSF could be found.[4]

In the wake of Percoco, the defendants in Full Play filed a motion for acquittal on their honest services charges.  They argued that under Percoco, honest services fraud does not cover foreign commercial bribery because the statute requires defendants to induce a violation of the bribe-recipient’s fiduciary duty to the victim organization and because the type of fiduciary duty alleged in this case, a duty owed by foreign employees to a foreign employer, is not cognizable under §1346. Judge Chen agreed, holding that there was not “even a smattering” of pre-McNally cases to support the defendants’ HSF convictions.[5]

Though this case is under appeal, the judge’s ruling represents the difficulties of post-Percoco commercial bribery prosecutions through § 1346.[6] This article will argue that the Travel Act, 18 USC § 1952, represents an effective substitute for § 1346 that allows federal prosecution of commercial bribery through both HSF and state-level commercial bribery statutes.

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Shining a Light on the Shadows: A Data-Driven Look at Global Anti-Corruption Efforts

by Leonardo Borlini

Photo of author

Photo courtesy of the author

Corruption has been the target of significant international efforts in recent decades. A complex web of international treaties and monitoring mechanisms has emerged, aiming to curb this global scourge. But how effective are these efforts? Are countries truly implementing and complying with their international anti-corruption commitments?

In my recent study, Compliance Mechanisms as a Diagnostic and Prognostic Tool for the Evolution of the International Anti-Corruption Cooperation: A Data-Driven Study, forthcoming in 22(2) International Constitutional Law Journal (2024), I try to shed light on these questions. Using innovative text-as-data analysis, the study delves into the vast trove of evaluation and compliance reports produced by the monitoring mechanisms established by the main international anti-corruption. The findings offer a comprehensive assessment of the successes, failures, and enduring challenges in global anti-corruption cooperation.

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Risks of Cross Border Operations: Chiquita Brands International Found Liable for Financing Terrorism

by Timothy Harkness, Peter Linken, Scott Eisman, and Maylin Meisenheimer

photos of the authors

From left to right: Timothy Harkness, Peter Linken, Scott Eisman and Maylin Meisenheimer (Photos courtesy of Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP)

Doing business in conflict zones has always been complicated. Increased litigation has compounded those risks in recent years. A June 2024 federal jury verdict against Chiquita Brands International illustrates the changing legal landscape. The jury in Florida found Chiquita liable for financing Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia (“AUC”), a Colombian paramilitary group, and awarded a bellwether group of plaintiffs $38.3 million in damages. A second bellwether trial against Chiquita is scheduled for later this year, and thousands of related claims against Chiquita remain pending. Although the Chiquita litigation has spanned almost two decades, this jury verdict represents the first liability determination and paves the way for the second bellwether trial and eventual resolution of all pending claims. As each plaintiff was awarded around $2 million, Chiquita could be facing hundreds of millions of dollars in damages as the broader litigation includes vastly more victims.

The Chiquita verdict is a signal to corporations that U.S. courts may be more willing to find them liable for actions that occurred abroad and that plaintiffs may increasingly choose to file these claims in U.S. courts. In Chiquita, the alleged actions took place in Colombia and the claims at issue were brought under Colombian law, but this is just one example among many. In Kaplan v. Lebanese Canadian Bank, for example, the Second Circuit held that the plaintiffs plausibly pleaded that Lebanese Canadian Bank had aided and abetted acts of international terrorism under the Antiterrorism Act (“ATA”) by alleging that the bank had processed transactions in Lebanon for individuals closely affiliated with Hezbollah. As companies weigh the risks of doing business abroad and how best to structure their operations, this verdict should be at the forefront of their minds.

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Former Aide to Madagascan President Sentenced for Soliciting Bribes Under UK Bribery Act

by Pamela Reddy, Robin Spedding, and Matthew Unsworth

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Left to Right: Pamela Reddy, Robin Spedding, and Matthew Unsworth (photos courtesy of Latham & Watkins LLP)

Sentencing of Romy Andrianarisoa, the first ever foreign public official to be convicted under the UK Bribery Act of 2010, provides important takeaways.

On 10 May 2024, Romy Andrianarisoa was sentenced to three and a half years’ imprisonment for soliciting bribes contrary to Section 2 of the Bribery Act 2010 (Bribery Act). Andrianarisoa, former Chief of Staff to President Andry Rajoelina of Madagascar, requested substantial cash payments in exchange for helping UK-headquartered Gemfields Group Ltd (Gemfields) secure mining rights in the country. Her associate, French national Philippe Tabuteau, was also handed a 27-month sentence for his role in the scheme.

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WilmerHale Global Anti-Bribery Year-in-Review: 2023 Developments and Predictions for 2024

by Kimberly Parker, Jay Holtmeier, Erin Sloane, Christopher Cestaro, Sandra Redivo, Matthew Girgenti, Elliot Shackelford, and Keun Young Bae

Top left to right: Kimberly Parker, Jay Holtmeier, Erin Sloane, and Christopher Cestaro.
Bottom left to right: Sandra Redivo, Matthew Girgenti, Elliot Shackelford, and Keun Young Bae. (Photos courtesy of Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP).

Although publicly announced Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) enforcement activity remains lower than the levels reached a few years ago, 2023 saw a modest increase in the overall number of FCPA enforcement actions (26 in 2022 vs. 27 in 2023).  This was seen especially in the number of corporate resolutions (12 in 2022 vs. 15 in 2023).  The combined total of monetary penalties decreased, from $1.56 billion in 2022 to $776 million in 2023.  Nonetheless, senior officials at the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) again signaled, through policy changes and public announcements, that anti-corruption enforcement is a priority and that there will be significant and growing enforcement efforts going forward.  Below are the key takeaways regarding FCPA enforcement in 2023 and trends to keep in mind as we look ahead to 2024.

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Recent Developments in Switzerland’s Anti-Corruption and Anti-Money Laundering Regime

by Jonathan Rusch

Photo courtesy of the author

For some time, Switzerland has generally ranked highly in perceptual surveys of corruption.[1]  But while some may believe that “generally speaking, Switzerland has a comprehensive anti-corruption and anti-money laundering regulatory regime”[2], that regime has not kept pace with a number of other countries.  Indeed, a 2021 report by the Council of Europe’s Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) stated that since the 2017 GRECO report on Switzerland, Switzerland had satisfactorily addressed only five out of the twelve recommendations contained in a 2017 GRECO report.[3]

Since then, however, Switzerland has moved forward on several fronts to bolster its anti-corruption and anti-money laundering (AML) regime.  Three recent developments indicate that progress.  First, on August 30, the Swiss Federal Council (the governing body of the Swiss government[4]) launched the consultation procedure on a bill to strengthen the country’s AML framework, including the introduction of a beneficial ownership registry.[5]  Second, on September 28, the Swiss Attorney General filed an indictment against former Uzbek government official and prolific bribe-taker Gulnara Karimova and a co-conspirator for participation in a criminal organization, money laundering, and related charges.[6] Third, on December 6, the Swiss Attorney General filed an indictment against a leading global commodities trading company, Trafigura Beheer BV (Trafigura), and three individuals for bribery in connection with Trafigura’s activities in the Angolan petroleum industry.[7]  This post will summarize and comment on these developments.

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Congress Passes Foreign Extortion Prevention Act, Targeting “Demand Side” of Foreign Bribery

by Kara Brockmeyer, Andrew M. Levine, David A. O’Neil, Winston M. Paes, Jane Shvets, Bruce E. Yannett, Douglas S. Zolkind, and Erich O. Grosz

Top left to right: Kara Brockmeyer, Andrew M. Levine, David A. O’Neil, and Winston M. Paes
Bottom left to right: Jane Shvets, Bruce E. Yannett, Douglas S. Zolkind, and Erich O. Grosz (Photos courtesy of Debevoise & Plimpton LLP)

On December 14, 2023, the U.S. Congress approved the Foreign Extortion Prevention Act (“FEPA”), which will make it a federal crime for any foreign government official to demand or receive a bribe from a U.S. citizen, resident or company in exchange for taking or omitting to take official action or conferring any improper business-related advantage.[1] This legislation, which is part of the National Defense Authorization Act and expected to be signed into law by President Biden, substantially expands U.S. enforcement authority with respect to foreign bribery and aligns with the Biden Administration’s elevation of anti-corruption enforcement to a national security priority.

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DOJ Leadership Discusses FCPA Enforcement Trends and Guidance

by Greg D. Andres, Uzo Asonye, Sidney Bashago, Martine M. Beamon, Robert A. Cohen, Daniel S. Kahn, Tatiana R. Martins, Fiona R. Moran, Paul J. Nathanson, and Patrick S. Sinclair

Photos of the authors

Top left to right: Greg D. Andres, Uzo Asonye, Sidney Bashago, Martine M. Beamon, and Robert A. Cohen
Bottom left to right: Daniel S. Kahn, Tatiana R. Martins, Fiona R. Moran, Paul J. Nathanson, and Patrick S. Sinclair
(Photos courtesy of Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP)

In a recent speech, Acting Assistant Attorney General Nicole M. Argentieri laid out how the DOJ is increasing its use of data analytics to proactively identify FCPA cases, deepening its cooperation with international counterparties, actioning its 2023 revisions to the Corporate Enforcement Policy concerning cooperation credit, and beginning to require forfeiture or disgorgement as part of all corporate resolutions.

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From Peanuts to Prison Time – A Fresh Look at the Evolution of Export Controls Penalties

by Brent Carlson and Michael Huneke

Photos of the authors

From left to right: Brent Carlson and Michael Huneke (Photos courtesy of authors)

New export controls rules recently issued by the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security (“BIS”) have set the corporate compliance world abuzz, as export controls continue to increase everywhere amid accelerating economic and geopolitical competition. Multinational companies are placed in an increasingly precarious position, caught between superpowers in a “disordered,” multipolar world. The consequences of failing to navigate successfully through myriad export controls regimes are only going to grow more severe, with the U.S. government signaling that a wave of increasing enforcement activity is on the way.

In this installment of our Fresh Looks series, we examine the evolution of export controls penalties, from where they are today to where they are heading tomorrow. The U.S. Department of Justice (“DOJ”) has called export controls and economic sanctions the “new FCPA” and included both among America’s national security enforcement priorities. This provides an important—and unambiguous—signal of the directional trends underway for export controls enforcement. Continue reading

The Conviction of Sam Bankman-Fried – Yes, Fraud, but also Regulatory Arbitrage

by Maria T. Vullo

Maria T. Vullo (Photo courtesy of the author)

The much-anticipated jury verdict,[1] convicting former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF) of seven felonies, after less than five hours of deliberations, demonstrates the strength of the prosecution’s case and that juries have no patience for financial fraud.  While many reports correctly note that fraud is at the core of the FTX/SBF case, the verdict also sends a clear message that regulatory arbitrage should not be tolerated.

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