Category Archives: Export Controls

How Not to Stand Out Like a Sore Thumb (Part 2): A Fresh Look at the “High Probability” Definition of Knowledge Applied to Export Controls and Sanctions Enforcement

by Brent Carlson and Michael Huneke

Photos of the authors.

From left to right: Brent Carlson and Michael Huneke (Photos courtesy of authors)

Media coverage concerning the widespread use of U.S. or Western microelectronics in recovered Russian- or Iranian-manufactured missiles and drones is putting pressure on governments, manufacturers, and exporters to consider ways to reduce more effectively the flows of such items to prohibited end-users. Even considering that many of the items are ubiquitous consumer electronics, the discovery of such items after mass-casualty events—including fatalities—on the front lines puts manufacturers and exporters on the front pages and in the crosshairs of U.S. regulators, prosecutors, media, and congressional committees. However the items arrived on the battlefield, their presence begs the questions of how and through whom they arrived. Continue reading

How Not to Stand Out Like a Sore Thumb (Part 1): A Fresh Look at the “Willful” Intent Standard for Criminal Liability in Export Controls and Sanctions Corporate Enforcement

by Brent Carlson and Michael Huneke

Photos of the authors.

From left to right: Brent Carlson and Michael Huneke (Photos courtesy of authors)

“The ‘willfulness’ standard for criminal prosecutions appears nearly insurmountable to reach.”

So concluded a “90-Day Review Report” issued January 2, 2024 by the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives, following congressional hearings in May and December 2023.[1] The report further contended that “the statutory requirement to prove ‘willfulness’” for there to be a criminal violation of U.S. export controls (and sanctions) is a “high bar” that “often results in [the Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry & Security (“BIS”)] export enforcement personnel pursuing administrative enforcement actions with lower penalties,” compared to the alternative (unstated but implied by the report) of U.S. Department of Justice (“DOJ”) personnel pursuing criminal penalties.[2]

This conclusion is not accurate. BIS is not itself responsible for criminal enforcement, yet it has partnered closely with the DOJ’s National Security Division—including by co-leading the inter-agency Disruptive Technology Strike Force launched on February 16, 2023—to bring several high-profile convictions or resolutions. Nor is the requirement to prove willfulness “insurmountable” for U.S. federal prosecutors, whose cases achieve the standard regularly and can do so not only with direct evidence of intent but also indirect evidence, i.e., the relevant facts and circumstances. Such facts and circumstances often—especially in the eyes of jurors—make the willful nature of criminal evasion schemes stand out like a sore thumb. Continue reading

Export Controls Experts Comment on Enhancements to Voluntary Self-Disclosure Policies for Export Control Violations

Photo of panelists

Panelists John D. Sonderman, Director, Office of Export Enforcement, BIS; Jana del-Cerro, Partner, Crowell & Moring LLP; Michael H. Huneke, Partner, Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP; Sharon Cohen Levin, Partner, Sullivan & Cromwell LLP; and Joseph Facciponti, Executive Director, PCCE (Moderator) (©Hollenshead: Courtesy of NYU Photo Bureau)

On January 16, 2024, the NYU Law Program on Corporate Compliance and Enforcement hosted Matthew Axelrod, Assistant Secretary for Export Enforcement at the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS), U.S. Department of Commerce, to deliver remarks on enhancements to BIS’s corporate enforcement policy for voluntary self-disclosures of export control violations. Assistant Secretary Axelrod’s speech was accompanied by the release of an enforcement policy memo, available here. After Secretary Axelrod’s remarks, he participated in a fireside chat and took questions from the audience. The event also featured a panel of experts on export control enforcement policy. A full agenda of the event is available here. In this post, participants from the panel share further thoughts on the issues.

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Matthew Axelrod, Assistant Secretary for Export Enforcement, Delivers Remarks on Enhancements to Voluntary Self-Disclosure Policies for Export Control Violations at PCCE Event on January 16, 2024

On January 16, 2024, the NYU Law Program on Corporate Compliance and Enforcement hosted Matthew Axelrod, Assistant Secretary for Export Enforcement at the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) at the U.S. Department of Commerce, to deliver remarks on enhancements to BIS’s corporate enforcement policy for voluntary self-disclosures of export control violations. Assistant Secretary Axelrod’s speech was accompanied by the release of an enforcement policy memo, available here. After Secretary Axelrod’s remarks, he participated in a fireside chat and took questions from the audience. The event also featured a panel of experts on export control enforcement policy. A full agenda of the event is available here.

Photo of speaker

Matthew Axelrod, Assistant Secretary of Export Enforcement, BIS (©Hollenshead: Courtesy of NYU Photo Bureau)

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Boards of Directors Lovin’ It after McDonald’s? A Fresh Look at Directors’ Duty of Oversight in the New Era of Sanctions & Export Control Corporate Enforcement

by Brent Carlson and Michael Huneke

Photos of the authors.

From left to right: Brent Carlson and Michael Huneke (Photos courtesy of authors)

In this era of heightened geopolitical tensions with a renewed focus on national security, a perfect storm of liability risk is brewing for boards of directors.

Sanctions and export controls violations can be costly and dangerous, with multi-billion-dollar fines and jail sentences imposed in 2023.

For companies engaged in international trade, these events engage directors’ fiduciary duties. Looking to bellwether Delaware corporate law, Delaware’s Chancery Court recently reiterated in the McDonald’s shareholder litigation that directors’ Caremark duty of oversight is a function of their duty of loyalty. As such, this reinforces the limits of the protections directors would otherwise have if it were instead a function of the duty of care—under both the business judgment rule and “exculpation,” i.e., the option corporations have to excuse in their certificates of incorporation directors’ liability for breaches of their duty of care (but not of loyalty).[1] Directors’ duty of oversight further requires ensuring that they receive information regarding any “central compliance risks,” not just “mission critical” risks, and that there is an appropriate response to red flags. Continue reading

Matthew Axelrod, Assistant Secretary for Export Enforcement at the United States Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry & Security, to Announce Enhancements to Corporate Voluntary Self-Disclosure Policies for Export Control Violations at PCCE Event on January 16, 2024

Matthew Axelrod, Assistant Secretary for Export Enforcement at the United States Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry & Security, will announce enhancements to corporate voluntary self-disclosure policies for export control violations. After delivering his remarks, Assistant Secretary Axelrod will engage in a moderated fireside chat and will be taking questions from the audience.

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An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure . . . or an Imposed Compliance Monitorship: A Fresh Look at the DOJ’s Corporate Enforcement Toolkit Applied to Sanctions and Export Controls Enforcement

by Brent Carlson and Michael Huneke

Photos of the authors

From left to right: Brent Carlson and Michael Huneke (Photos courtesy of authors)

In our last article, we discussed the evolution of export controls penalties.[1] Beyond monetary penalties, the U.S. Department of Justice (“DOJ”) has additional items in its corporate enforcement toolkit that dramatically increase the cost of non-compliance. These include the DOJ’s new policies requiring companies to claw back or withhold executive compensation, requiring CEOs and chief compliance officers to make pre-release compliance certifications, and expanding the grounds for appointing independent compliance monitors.

Such corporate enforcement trends significantly increase the value of making front-end investments to avoid the “pound of cure.” In this post, we take a “fresh look” at these trends with an eye towards sanctions and export controls enforcement and offer practical guidance for dealing with them. Continue reading

FinCEN and BIS Issue Joint Notice Emphasizing That Financial Institutions Should Monitor for Possible Export Control Violations

by Jessica S. CareyJohn P. Carlin, Roberto J. Gonzalez, Brad S. KarpRichard S. ElliottDavid Fein, David KesslerNathan Mitchell, and Jacobus J. Schutte

photos of the authors

Top left to right: Jessica S. Carey, John P. Carlin, Roberto J. Gonzalez, Brad S. Karp, and Richard S. Elliott.              Bottom left to right: David Fein, David Kessler, Nathan Mitchell, and Jacobus J. Schutte. (Photos courtesy of Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP)

On November 6, the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (“FinCEN”) and the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security (“BIS”) jointly issued a notice (the “Notice”) announcing a new Suspicious Activity Report (“SAR”) key term, “FIN-2023-GLOBALEXPORT,” that financial institutions should reference when reporting potential efforts by individuals or entities seeking to evade U.S. export controls.[1]

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From Peanuts to Prison Time – A Fresh Look at the Evolution of Export Controls Penalties

by Brent Carlson and Michael Huneke

Photos of the authors

From left to right: Brent Carlson and Michael Huneke (Photos courtesy of authors)

New export controls rules recently issued by the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security (“BIS”) have set the corporate compliance world abuzz, as export controls continue to increase everywhere amid accelerating economic and geopolitical competition. Multinational companies are placed in an increasingly precarious position, caught between superpowers in a “disordered,” multipolar world. The consequences of failing to navigate successfully through myriad export controls regimes are only going to grow more severe, with the U.S. government signaling that a wave of increasing enforcement activity is on the way.

In this installment of our Fresh Looks series, we examine the evolution of export controls penalties, from where they are today to where they are heading tomorrow. The U.S. Department of Justice (“DOJ”) has called export controls and economic sanctions the “new FCPA” and included both among America’s national security enforcement priorities. This provides an important—and unambiguous—signal of the directional trends underway for export controls enforcement. Continue reading

Slow is Smooth, Smooth is Fast: A Fresh Look at Planning and Executing Internal Investigations into Allegations of Sanctions or Export Controls Evasion

by Brent Carlson and Michael Huneke

Photos of the authors.

From left to right: Brent Carlson, Michael Huneke (Photos courtesy of the authors)

“Slow is Smooth, Smooth is Fast.” U.S. Navy SEALs and Aikido martial arts masters have valued this mantra as a reminder that deliberate, thoughtful action is—unexpectedly—the quickest way to accomplish your objectives in the face of chaotic circumstances.

Next in our “fresh look” series on economic sanctions and export controls compliance—and the convergence of both with anti-corruption compliance following the declaration by the DOJ that sanctions are the “new FCPA”—we apply this principle to responding to allegations of sanctions or export controls evasion. Continue reading