Category Archives: Cryptocurrency and Digital Assets

Second Circuit: Crypto Exchange Binance Subject to U.S. Securities Laws to Avoid a Regulatory Vacuum

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Left to right: David Livshiz, Timothy Howard, Andrew Gladstein, Peter Linken, and Seve Kale (photos courtesy of authors)

A recent Second Circuit decision underscores that decentralized crypto exchanges with no claimed “home” jurisdiction face a substantial likelihood of exposure to U.S. securities laws.  In Williams v. Binance, 96 F.4th 129 (2d Cir. 2024), the Second Circuit held plaintiffs adequately alleged crypto token purchases made on Binance’s trading platform by U.S. persons were domestic transactions and subject to U.S. securities laws on two independent grounds.  First, it was plausible that plaintiffs’ purchase orders were matched with sellers on servers located in the U.S.  Second, Binance’s Terms of Use stated orders became irrevocable once they were sent to Binance, which the plaintiffs alleged occurred from their homes in the United States.  The Court’s extraterritoriality analysis focused on Binance’s express disclaimer of a physical presence or geographical headquarters and the inapplicability of any other country’s securities regime.  These factors created the possibility of a regulatory vacuum absent imposition of U.S. securities laws.  Underscoring this point, the Court reasoned that “[e]ven if the Binance exchange lacks a physical location, the answer to where [it matches transactions] cannot be ‘nowhere.’”  Williams, 96 F.4th at 138. 

It will take years before the full implications of Williams become clear; but what is already clear is that U.S. courts are likely to be skeptical of corporate structures that appear to leave a company immune from litigation anywhere.  This skepticism is particularly relevant to crypto exchanges and other decentralized actors, which may not have or maintain a traditional “home” jurisdiction or base. Such decentralized actors may wish to consider taking steps to reduce the risk of exposure to U.S. securities laws, including affirmatively establishing a domicile outside the U.S. by opening a non-U.S. office or otherwise formally submitting to regulation by another nation, using servers data centers, and other computer network infrastructure outside of the United States, and drafting terms of service or other contractual agreements to provide that transactions become irrevocable in a location outside the U.S.

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Crypto Experts React to Recent SDNY Ethereum Fraud Indictment

The NYU Law Program on Corporate Compliance and Enforcement (PCCE) is following the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York’s recent indictment of two individuals for allegedly attacking and stealing $25 million from the Ethereum blockchain. The indictment in the case, United States v. Peraire-Bueno, 24 Cr. 293 (SDNY), is available here.  Below, several crypto experts and former prosecutors provide their reactions to the case.

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Left to right: Maria Vullo, Daniel Payne, Elizabeth Roper, Usman Sheikh, Justin Herring, and Robertson Park (photos courtesy of the authors)

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Wachtell Publishes Financial Institutions M&A Guide for 2024

Editor’s Note: This post contains excerpts from Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz’s Guide: “Financial Institutions M&A 2024: Seizing Opportunities, Navigating Pitfalls,” the full version of which is available here

by Ed Herlihy, Richard Kim, Nick Demmo, David Shapiro, Matt Guest, Mark Veblen, Brandon Price, and Jake Kling

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Top left to right: Ed Herlihy, Richard Kim, Nick Demmo, and David Shapiro
Bottom left to right: Matt Guest, Mark Veblen, Brandon Price, and Jake Kling
(Photos courtesy of Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz)



Financial institutions M&A fell for the second year in a row in 2023. Like most other sectors of the economy, financial institutions faced significant M&A headwinds during the year, including geopolitical instability, elevated inflation, high interest rates, challenging and often volatile equity markets, enhanced antitrust risks and uncertainty, and recessionary fears that softened only towards the end of the year.

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With The Fintech Sector’s Return to Explosive Growth, Here Are Top U.S. Legal Issues to Watch

by Jamillia Ferris, Vinita Kailasanath, Christine Lyon, Jan Rybnicek, and David Sewell

Left to right: Jamillia Ferris, Vinita Kailasanath, Christine Lyon, Jan Rybnicek, and David Sewell (photos courtesy of Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP)

Freshfields recently hosted a U.S. Fintech Hot Topics Webinar to highlight on-the-ground insights from our Antitrust and Competition, Data Privacy and Security, Financial Services Regulatory, and Transactional teams. The fintech sector has recently seen a return to explosive growth and is expected to continue growing rapidly notwithstanding regulatory and economic headwinds. Our top takeaways from the panel discussion are below, and the full recording is available here.

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CFTC Year in Review: 23 Takeaways From 2023 and Predictions for 2024

by Matthew B. KulkinElizabeth L. Mitchell, Gretchen Passe Roin, Timothy F. Silva, Tiffany J. Smith, Dino WuMatthew Beville, and Joseph M. Toner

Photos of the authors

Top (left to right): Matthew B. Kulkin, Elizabeth L. Mitchell, Gretchen Passe Roin, and Timothy F. Silva
Bottom (left to right): Tiffany J. Smith, Dino Wu, Matthew Beville, and Joseph M. Toner (photos courtesy of Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP)

At an industry event in early 2023, Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC or the Commission) Chairman Rostin Behnam set out a comprehensive agenda.[1] When Chairman Behnam detailed the CFTC’s 2023 work plan, the CFTC was building on its first year with a full slate of Commissioners, new Division Directors, and senior leadership. As we look back on the recently completed calendar year and turn our attention to the rapidly approaching 2024 presidential and congressional elections, the CFTC seems poised for another year packed with a flurry of regulatory, policy, and enforcement activity. This article lays out 23 of our key takeaways from the past year and offers insights on what might take place in the coming months.

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Blockchain Analytics: A Reliable Use of Artificial Intelligence for Crime Detection and Legal Compliance

by Sujit Raman and Thomas Armstrong

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From left to right: Sujit Raman and Thomas Armstrong. (Photos courtesy of authors).

Everyone these days is talking about artificial intelligence and how to use it responsibly. Among law enforcement and compliance professionals, discussions around the responsible use of AI are nothing new. Even so, recent advances in machine learning have turbocharged AI’s transformative potential in detecting, preventing, and—in a particular sense—even predicting illicit activity. These advances are especially notable in the field of blockchain analytics: the process of associating digital asset wallets to real-world entities.

In a recent, pathbreaking opinion and order, U.S. District Judge Randolph Moss rejected a criminal defendant’s challenge to the government’s evidentiary use of blockchain analytics to link him to illicit financial activity.[1] Many courts—including, just a few days ago, a U.S. district court in Massachusetts[2]—have relied on the validity of blockchain analytics when taking pre-trial actions like issuing seizure orders and authorizing arrest warrants; Judge Moss’s opinion is the first trial court examination of this powerful analytic capability. Taken together, this growing body of legal authority forcefully affirms the reliability—and therefore admissibility in court—of evidence derived from such analytics.

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Recent Regulatory Announcements Confirm Increased Scrutiny of “AI-Washing”

by Tami Stark, Courtney Hague AndrewsMaria Beguiristain, Joel M. Cohen, Daniel Levin, Darryl Lew, and Marietou Diouf

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Top (left to right): Tami Stark, Courtney Hague Andrews, Maria Beguiristain, and Joel M. Cohen
Bottom (left to right): Daniel Levin, Darryl Lew, and Marietou Diouf (Photos courtesy of White & Case LLP)

In December 2023, we published an alert concerning US Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) Chair Gary Gensler’s warning to public companies against “AI washing” – that is, making unfounded claims regarding artificial intelligence (“AI”) capabilities.[1] It is no surprise that since then regulators and the US Department of Justice (“DOJ”) have repeated this threat and the SEC publicized an AI related enforcement action that typically would not get such emphasis.

In January 2024, the SEC’s Office of Investor Education and Advocacy issued a joint alert with the North American Securities Administrators Association and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority warning investors of an increase in investment frauds involving the purported use of AI and other emerging technologies.[2] Similarly, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission Office of Customer Education and Outreach issued a customer advisory warning the public against investing in schemes touting “AI-created algorithms” that promise guaranteed or unreasonably high returns.[3]

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Facts About Fraud from the FTC – and What it Means for Your Business

by Lesley Fair 

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Lesley Fair (photo courtesy of author)

The FTC just issued its 2023 Consumer Sentinel Network Data Book jam-packed with facts about the kind of scams consumers have reported to us. Has the reported dollar amount lost to fraud gone up or down this year? And what are the most frequently reported scams? At this point you may ask, “I run a lawful business. Why should it matter to me?” Two reasons. First, scammers have you, your company, and your community in their sights and the Data Book can help you defend against emerging fraud trends. Second, scammers often try to mask their illegal intent by hiding behind legitimate businesses. For companies that work hard to maintain their good reputation, it’s not enough not to be a scammer. You also don’t want to be “scam-adjacent.”

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U.S. White-Collar and Regulatory Enforcement: Some Thoughts for 2024

by Joshua A. Naftalis and Melissa Kelley

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Left to right: Joshua A. Naftalis and Melissa Kelley (Photos courtesy of Pallas Partners LLP)

2023 was another busy year in the U.S. white-collar and regulatory enforcement areas.  As we begin 2024, a few of the Government’s recent enforcement policies and priorities should be kept front of mind: (1) the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) focus on corporate criminal enforcement; (2) DOJ’s related prioritization of sanctions evasion and anti-foreign bribery enforcement; (3) the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s (CFTC) diverging policies on “no-admit/no-deny” settlements; and (4) the cryptoasset space.  

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White-Collar and Regulatory Enforcement: What Mattered in 2023 and What to Expect in 2024

by John F. Savarese, Ralph M. Levene, Wayne M. Carlin, David B. Anders, Sarah K. Eddy, Randall W. Jackson, and Kevin S. Schwartz

Photos of Authors

Top left to right: John F. Savarese, Ralph M. Levene, Wayne M. Carlin, and David B. Anders.
Bottom left to right: Sarah K. Eddy, Randall W. Jackson, and Kevin S. Schwartz. (Photos courtesy of Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz)

This past year was yet another notable and intensely active one across the entire range of white-collar criminal and regulatory enforcement areas. We heard continued tough talk from law enforcement authorities, especially concerning the government’s desire to bring more enforcement actions against individuals and on the need to keep ramping up corporate fines and penalties. The government largely lived up to its talking points about increasing the numbers of individual prosecutions and proceedings, particularly with respect to senior executives in the cryptoasset industry. But there were some notable stumbles. The most striking example of this was DOJ’s failure to secure convictions in cases where it attempted to extend criminal antitrust enforcement in unprecedented areas, such as no-poach employment agreements and against certain vertical arrangements—neither of which has historically been viewed as involving per se violations of the federal antitrust laws. And, as in years past, many state attorneys general remained active throughout 2023, using broad state consumer-protection statutes to bring blockbuster cases across a wide array of industries, from ridesharing and vaping to opioids and consumer technology offerings.

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