Our team has been thrilled to see the growing number of users of the staRt iOS app, but we know it has some limitations. It’s not a great fit for telepractice, where its high processing load makes it hard to use with screen-sharing or mirroring technology. Also, we know that not everyone has an iPad!
Enter bitslabstart.com! We are still building out the full set of features, but the current release includes the core speech visualization (real-time wave with adjustable target slider), an interactive user tutorial, and an “SLP Info” tab with suggested targets and links to additional resources. It can be used in a browser on a desktop or laptop computer (Mac or PC).* Use it in person if you don’t have an iPad, or screen-share it over Zoom for your telepractice clients!
A few hints for telepractice:
- If possible, run the software on the client’s device so they see the wave with no lag.
- Try turning on Zoom ‘Original Sound for Musicians’ setting to prevent audio from dropping out during sustained sounds.
- Check out our 2023 ASHA talk for additional tips and tricks!
*In its current release, bitslabstart.com does not work on mobile devices. We will work on expanding compatibility moving forward.