Street Foods of Pakistanپاکستان کے لذیذ کھانے


Proficiency Level: Novice Mid/High

Time: 150 minutes (3x 50 mins)

 Objectives: Students can:

  • Identify foods eaten at different meal times in Pakistan
  • Distinguish between formal and informal menu
  • Identify street food items
  • Describe what makes a street food vendor successful

Performance Assessment:

  • Students make a menu for a breakfast, lunch and a dinner party
  • Students make recommendations for a specific street food vendor and give reasons
  • Students compare street foods of Pakistan and USA 

Learning Scenarios:

1) 5 Minutes Display a few food items or their pictures relative to three meals and ask students to identify whether they are part of breakfast, lunch or dinner.

2) 10 minutes – Introduce different mealtimes and foods eaten through a PowerPoint. Reintroduced the vocabulary for breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner and formal and informal food items.

3) 10 minutes – With the TA model a conversation about what you have for breakfast, lunch etc. by asking and answering questions. Then have students ask their shoulder partners what they eat at different meal times and record each other’s answers. Call on students randomly to share what their partners have for one of the three meals.

4) 25 minutes – Students, working in small groups, come up with a menu for a breakfast, lunch, or dinner party and share their menus with the whole class.

5) 25 minutes – Divide students into small groups and then tell them: You are going to open a restaurant, discuss to decide about the:

  • location of your restaurant,
  • name of your restaurant,
  • menu and price of the dishes

When done, be prepared to present it to the class.

6) 10 minutes – To activate students’ background knowledge, ask students if there are street foods in their neighborhood, or if they have ever bought anything from street foods. Then introduce students to street foods of Pakistan through visuals and realia( Gol Gappa, Paan, Bun kabab etc) and go over these popular food items.

7) 20 minutes – Working in pairs, students compare US and Pakistani street food using a Venn Diagram. Once students are done, have them help you make the same comparison with the whole class.

8) 15 minutes – Students watch a video about street food vendors and then in pairs they choose one vendor and brainstorm why that vendor is successful. (They can watch the video again)

9) 20 minutes – Students make a video or audio presentation on the street foods in Pakistan and recommend a specific vendor.