The Walled City of Lahore اندرون لاھور

Proficiency Level: Intermediate High/Advanced Low

Time: 175 mins (3 classes x 60 mins)

Objectives: Students will be able to:

  • Identify specific facts about the walled city of Lahore along with its historic gates and buildings by answering the following questions: What, When, Where, Why and How and discuss them with classmates and native speakers in their community.
  • deliver a short presentation on an area of research of their choice
  • summarize information they researched about the Walled city of Lahore  
  • write recommendations for travelers to a particular site within the walled city of Lahore
  • identify challenges faced by their area of interest and suggest possible solutions.

Performance Assessment:

  • Students watch a video on Lahore Fort, Shahi Hamam and Gates of Lahore and collect information by answering the following questions: What, When, Where, Why and How.
  • Students make a short presentation recommending an area of interest of the Walled city of Lahore. They also identify one challenge faced by this area and suggest possible solutions
  • Students leave voice or written comments on their partner’s presentation and the solutions offered.

Learning Scenarios:

1) 5 minutes – Teacher sets the context for the lesson and asks students what they know about the walled city of Lahore. Students are introduced to the vocabulary at this time.

2) 15 minutes – Students are asked to go around the stations set up in the classroom and look at the visuals and informational posters on the Walled city of Lahore showing Lahore Fort, Gates of Lahore and the Shahi Hamam and take notes. Students meet in small groups to share the information they have gathered. They sign in on a sheet for the area they find most interesting.

3) 15 minutesModeling: View one of the video clips or another one with the   whole class to find answers to: What, Where, When, Why and Who. Then have each group to view one of these videos to answer the same questions.

4) 10 minutes – Students are divided into four groups. Each group watches one of the following videos and listens carefully and individually collect information by answering the following questions: What, When, Where, Why and How.

5)    20 minutes – Based on the answers of their group mates, students pick a partner and an area to research. They brainstorm about why they should recommend this area, the challenges facing it and how they can be fixed.

6)    20 minutes – Students use sketchnotes and Voicethread to make brochures or video presentations recommending their area of interest, its history, challenges it faces and give suggestions on how to fix them and send these to the Office of Tourism in Lahore.

7)     15 minutes – Students switch partners from another group and present their work to their new partner. The new partner reviews the presentation and leaves written or verbal comments why their recommendations will work or not.

8)     15 minutes – Additional literacy activity: Students are given a paragraph about different aspects of the Walled-City of Lahore with some relevant words missing. Students complete the paragraph with the appropriate words from a list of words they have been provided.

9)     10 minutes – Additional literacy activity: Students answer comprehension questions based on the STARTALK video on Lahore Fort.

Note: Handouts include:

  • Vocabulary list
  • Paragraph with missing words and a bank of words.
  • Comprehension questions for NYUrdu video on Lahore Fort