Art 2

Time: 55 minutes

Proficiency Level: Novice Mid/high

Objectives: Students will be able to:

  • describe what and who is in a painting
  • describe where someone or something is in a painting
  • describe a few activities 
  • use post positions correctly 

Performance Assessment:

  • Students record an audio using correct post positions to describe what is happening in a painting or a picture

Learning Scenarios:

  1. 10 minutes – Teacher projects a painting on the screen and hands out vocabulary to describe the objects and activities in the picture. Teacher describes the picture using the vocabulary provided and also writes some important descriptive words on the board.
  2. 10 minutes – Teacher introduces vocabulary to describe art e.g. in front, behind and in the center. S/he uses post positions to describe where objects are in the picture.
  3. 5-10 minutes – Teacher projects one or two more images and randomly calls on students to describe the picture.
  4. 10 minutes – Students are paired and each pair is given a different picture. They ask each other about the objects and activities shown in the picture using correct post positions.
  5. 5 minutes – Students switch partners and describe their picture to the new partner without showing it.  The partner asks questions in order to draw it as close to the original as possible.
  6. 10 minutes – In pairs, students record an audio describing a painting. Audio will be uploaded to the digital archives for students and community members to access.