Syllabus: Elementary Urdu I

Course Description and Learning Outcomes

Course Requirements and Grading

WEEK 1-2: Geography. Four Directions. Countries. Continents.

Learning Outcomes: be able to

  • recognize letters in word-initial and word-final position
  • recognize pronounciation issues: Urdu specific sounds: aspiration of voiced and voiveless consonants, velar sounds, retroflexion, vowel length
  • identify basic characteristics of Urdu language
  • name basic areas in Pakistan geography
  • use simple postpositions 
  • use copula sentence


WEEK 3-4: Geography of Pakistan. Regions. 

Learning Outcomes: be able to:

  • write letters in word-initial and word-final position
  • identify connected letters  
  • list major geographical directions, topographic features
  • name and describe on the map major cities and regions in Urdu
  • use  and recognize demonstrative pronouns,
  • use nouns in the singular oblique and postpositions,
  • use copula sentences
  • use numbers (1-10)


WEEK 5-6: Greetings. Taking Leave. Giving Directions.

Learning Outcomes: be able to 

  • greet people, say goodbye, thank and apologize. 
  • ask about health and well being 
  • use and identify commonly used words and phrases and conjunctions.
  • give and follow simple commands (tum form)
  • use present continuous
  • use numbers (10-30)


WEEK 7-8: Self/Introductions. My Room. My Home.

Learning Outcomes: be able to 

  • introduce self, other people, ask for and give personal information, greet people
  • ask and answer yes-no questions
  • ask for and follow directions
  • express location
  • use nouns in direct singular and plural in direct and oblique case
  • form simple questions using question words
  • give commands (tum and aap form)
  • use infinitives with postpositions (e.g. paRhne ke liye)
  • use numbers (30-50)


WEEK 9-10: Nationalities, Occupations and Background. Family.

Learning Outcomes: be able to 

  • ask and answer question about where people are from
  • ask for and give personal information
  • name and identify relatives
  • express possession with countable objects (ke paas
  • express possession with kinship terms (kaa/ke/kii)
  • ask and answer questions about age
  • use interrogative pronouns (kaun, kiskaa, kiskii, kiske)
  • use possessive pronouns
  • use past habitual tense
  • use of numbers (1-70)


WEEK 11-12: Routines. Homes. Addresses. Colors.

Learning Outcomes: be able to

  • ask and answer questions about daily routines
  • list and identify various daily activities
  • describe what people do in each room of the house
  • noun-adjective agreement, feminine and masculine
  • use personal pronouns in direct and oblique forms
  • use of present habitual
  • use reflexive pronouns (apnaa, khud)
  • use numbers (1-80)


WEEK 13-14: Neighborhood. Exchange Addresses and Phone Numbers.

Learning Outcomes: be able to 

  • describe locations and buildings
  • ask and answer questions about activities in these locations and buildings
  • exchange addresses and phone numbers
  • express needs 
  • use numbers (1-90)
  • use indirect verbs with nouns or with infinitives: X-kochaahiye (need)


WEEK 15. Review