In the News: Migration, Occupation, Representation & more!

A round-up of recent religion news. Continue Reading →

Hip to be Square: Between Faith and Flannel

Ashley Baxstrom: Maybe Presidential candidates Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman haven’t yet convinced you that Mormons are cool? Perhaps the recent stream of “I’m a Mormon” billboards, taxi-tops and television ads don’t do the trick, even though one includes a guy with a hawk and another has a surfer girl? But that’s ok. When it comes down to it, we all know there’s really only one thing that bestows and conveys social status and awesomeness – and that’s fashion.

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Our Daily Links — Oprah Was Raptured?

Everyone’s favorite tween, Justin Bieber is fresh off a visit to Israel and was seen this week sporting a new tattoo that reads “Yeshua,” or Jesus, in Hebrew.  Baylor University Press has published a new book, The Evangelical Movement in Ethiopia, that is being called a tool for promoting religious intolerance and a harbinger of greater social and political unrest. Scalia’s called last week’s SCOTUS decision, Brown v. Plata, “the most radical injunction issued by a court in our nation’s history.”  The ruling grants that prisoners’ Eighth Amendment rights must be respected.  It would be dangerous to put a Mormon in the White House.  There’s been a lot of press about the end of Oprah’s show this month (and her brand of faith) but little answer to the question of why she’s ended it.  The Revealer‘s heard from a semi-reliable source that Oprah was raptured.  (h/t Genevieve Yue) Continue Reading →