Tag: Vote

10 Actions For a VIRTUAL Earth Month

virtual earth month 2020

As we practice social distancing and find ways to reach out and check in with our neighbors, we are being called to consider how our actions affect the most vulnerable among us; is that not the very same collective action the climate crisis demands?

To that end, recent reports have examined how social distancing due to the spread of the coronavirus may have unexpected consequences for climate change. Many of the actions people are taking during this time from reducing air travel to consuming less could significantly reduce one’s carbon footprint.

Though in-person gatherings in honor of Earth Day at 50 have been cancelled or postponed, there are still ways to mark this occasion even in self-isolation. Here are 10 things you can start doing during this unique moment to stay healthy and safe while honoring the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, and committing to a more sustainable life now and into the future. Read more

Green Resolutions!

The rhetoric around New Year resolutions often leave me tired. The phrase “new year new me” often breeds discontentment for your current place in life or, at best, a sense of failure for when we inevitably fail to live up to the laundry list of character ideals we have built for ourselves. Changing your habits or adding some new ones doesn’t have to be a new year exclusive. If you’re having a slow start to your New Year’s resolutions (like me) or just looking to better yourself, here is a list of manageable, eco conscious resolutions to try this year or whenever. 

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