Tag: Operations

Don’t Dispose! Donate this Move Out Season

box of clothing labeled: "Donation"Green Apple Move Out is NYU’s annual initiative to reduce the waste generated during spring move out! Live in an NYU residence hall? You can drop textiles and certain room essentials in the designated area in your building. Learn more about what’s acceptable

This guide provides tips and resources for how to have a sustainable move out. 

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NYU is a Silver-level Bicycle Friendly University and Business

Bicycle Friendly University -SilverBiking is core to the NYU community. In 2019, we asked our community how they get to, from, and around campus. This survey showed a 627% increase in bike ridership over the last decade! Now, we’ve been awarded Silver-level Bicycle Friendly University and Business status for our efforts to support affordable, sustainable, and healthy transportation.

In the last two years, NYU has nearly doubled bike parking in areas within or adjacent to NYU buildings and facilities. This effort required the collaboration and support of many campus partners, demonstrating the importance of supporting an ever-increasing bike community at NYU. We have also coordinated helmet giveaways, group rides, bike education, and much more.

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NYU Ranks Top University for Responsible Consumption and Production 

THE Impact Rankings logo and rankingNYU ranked #38 globally and #4 in the US on Responsible Consumption and Production through the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings, which assess universities against the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production measures how universities are working towards an efficient use of resources and the minimization of waste.

Through initiatives such as the Cool Food Pledge, waste mitigation strategies like the Water Bottle Purchasing Policy, and ongoing efforts to increase sustainable procurement practices, NYU has demonstrated our commitment to ethically sourcing goods and increasing upstream solutions to waste.

The 2021 Impact Rankings is the third edition and the overall ranking includes 1,115 universities from 94 countries/regions. This ranking is based on the data NYU reports through AASHE STARS, which captures information about how environmentally responsible a school’s policies and practices are, and how sustainability is embedded into campus life. 

Sustainability at NYU is a team effort. We thank our partners especially in Procurement, Dining, and Grounds and Waste Management who helped us achieve this particular recognition. 


Are Zoom Video Calls Destroying the Planet?

Zoom meeting graphicLearning, teaching, research, work, and travel can be a challenge during a global pandemic, but the changes we’ve all made have also added up to a record drop in global greenhouse gas emissions. It’s also caused a dramatic increase in the amount of time spent on Zoom, GoToMeeting, Microsoft Teams, or other virtual meeting platforms. A recent study1 conducted by researchers at Purdue, MIT, and Yale suggests2 that due to the way that conferencing data is processed and transferred across the Internet, turning off the camera during video calls could reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of virtual conferencing by 96%. Should we all be leaving our camera off during our next virtual meeting to “save the planet”?

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