Tag: IT

Best Practices for Paperless Meetings

To avoid sharing printed copies of materials, follow these best practices for paperless meetings created by the IT Sustainability Initiative and the UCIO Council.

  • Prepare ahead of time by adding notes and presentation materials as attachments to your meeting invitation – let attendees know they can access them electronically and hard copies will not be provided. Make use of cloud-based storage solutions (such as Google Drive) to easily share documents.
  • Use a projector / laptop / electronic display to display the agenda and other related meeting documents. 
  • Consider holding a remote meeting via web conference, using NYU Zoom.
  • Encourage meeting attendees to take notes on their laptop or another electronic device to further reduce paper waste.
  • Scan paper handouts and email meeting notes to participants after the meeting.
  • Use an electronic signature service (such as DocuSign).

If you have to print, #ThinkBeforeYouPrint:

  • Only print the pages you need.
  • Use an ink-saving font like Courier, Century Gothic, or Brush Script. 
  • Reduce margins and font size to waste less space on a page.
  • Set printers to print in black and white by default (color toner has a greater cost and environmental impact).
  • Set printers to print and copy in ‘duplex’ or double-sided mode by default.
  • Use print preview to avoid printing unnecessary pages.
  • Print multiple slides per page when printing PowerPoints.
  • Use recycled toner and recycle cartridges when empty.


Energy Savings During COVID-19 Remote Period

row of computersWith buildings largely quiet besides non-essential employees, NYU has dramatically decreased energy usage across campus. Much of that reduction occurred organically as people departed their residences or workplaces, turning off lights and bringing home laptops. But, a number of devices — such as printers, copiers, student computer clusters, lobby displays, desk phones, coffee makers and microwaves — were left on.

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A Message from Cecil Scheib, Chief Sustainability Officer

The following message was shared in the Office of Sustainability once-monthly email, Sustainability News, on April 22, 2020. Subscribe to receive future newsletters.
Cecil ScheibHello NYU Community,
As you might expect, my recent focus has been the safety of students, colleagues, family, and friends; I’m thinking of and miss you all. I also regret the planned 50th Anniversary Earth Month events that had to be canceled or postponed, but am thankful several fantastic ones occurred virtually

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NYU Rolls Out University-wide IT Sustainability Initiative

From the devices in our hands to the cloud where important project documents are stored, information technology (IT) is a critical part of teaching, research, and work. As NYU IT requires substantial energy and resources to serve our diverse community needs, it also serves a major source of potential carbon reductions and energy savings. That’s why in 2019 NYU’s IT Sustainability Initiative formed: to reduce NYU IT’s carbon footprint. The Initiative is comprised of seven workstreams: 

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