Anti-Racism and Environmental Sustainability | Part 1: Busting Myths

by Cecil Scheib

This blog post is 1 of a 3-part series on the Office of Sustainability’s efforts to be proactively anti-racist, combat white supremacy culture,1 and embed anti-racist actions into our work. The blog series is intended to document and provide transparency about the work we are doing internally and externally and to share our process, begun in 2018 and accelerated in 2020, that is far from complete.

When you hear that someone is an “environmentalist,” who do you picture? If you’re thinking of a comfy sweater, “Save the Whales” bumper sticker, and Sierra Club membership card, you’re not alone. But you’re also probably not correct. In fact, across the US, people of diverse backgrounds and communities consider themselves to be environmentalists, and calling oneself an environmentalist isn’t linked to education or income.2 This self-identification extends to action, with people of color showing greater willingness for political advocacy than those who you might assume are taking part in campaigns to reduce global warming.3

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Anti-Racism and Environmental Sustainability | Part 2: Planning and Action

by Cecil Scheib

This blog post is 2 of a 3-part series on the Office of Sustainability’s efforts to be proactively anti-racist, combat white supremacy culture,1 and embed anti-racist actions into our work. The blog series is intended to document and provide transparency about the work we are doing internally and externally and to share our process, begun in 2018 and accelerated in 2020, that is far from complete.

Part 1 of this series addresses myths related to anti-racism and sustainability, and how action for justice is an essential part of the work for anyone who cares about the environment. Given this imperative, the NYU Office of Sustainability has been working to improve its diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts for several years. Over the past year, we have been inspired by national events to do even more, including developing an internal plan for anti-racist communications and activities.2

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Anti-Racism and Environmental Sustainability | Part 3: Background and Resources

by Cecil Scheib

This blog post is 3 of a 3-part series on the Office of Sustainability’s efforts to be proactively anti-racist, combat white supremacy culture,1 and embed anti-racist actions into our work. The blog series is intended to document and provide transparency about the work we are doing internally and externally and to share our process, begun in 2018 and accelerated in 2020, that is far from complete.

Part 2 of this series describes some of the actions the Office of Sustainability is taking to be actively anti-racist and address white supremacy culture. (For background on why this is inextricably linked with sustainability work, take a look at Part 1.) Perhaps it will be helpful to others if we pull back the curtain a bit on how we’ve been going about discussing this issue, which so many wish to address but that can be very sensitive.

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NYU Ranks Top University for Responsible Consumption and Production 

THE Impact Rankings logo and rankingNYU ranked #38 globally and #4 in the US on Responsible Consumption and Production through the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings, which assess universities against the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production measures how universities are working towards an efficient use of resources and the minimization of waste.

Through initiatives such as the Cool Food Pledge, waste mitigation strategies like the Water Bottle Purchasing Policy, and ongoing efforts to increase sustainable procurement practices, NYU has demonstrated our commitment to ethically sourcing goods and increasing upstream solutions to waste.

The 2021 Impact Rankings is the third edition and the overall ranking includes 1,115 universities from 94 countries/regions. This ranking is based on the data NYU reports through AASHE STARS, which captures information about how environmentally responsible a school’s policies and practices are, and how sustainability is embedded into campus life. 

Sustainability at NYU is a team effort. We thank our partners especially in Procurement, Dining, and Grounds and Waste Management who helped us achieve this particular recognition. 


Green Campus Tour

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Welcome to the Green Campus Tour! In honor of Earth Month, learn about what makes NYU one of the greenest urban campuses and how you can get involved in sustainability on campus. Interested in taking this tour by bike? Fill out this form to receive a free Citi Bike day pass (while supplies last).  Read more