Category: Tips

Sustainability Tips for the Summer

Whether you’re graduating or just going home for the summer, here are some tips for living sustainably while you enjoy the sunny weather.

Stay Connected!

The NYU Office of Sustainability continues to plan exciting projects and events throughout the summer. Keep up to date on NYU’s sustainability initiatives and opportunities by signing up for our newsletter. 

Make conscious consumer choices.

Summertime is usually filled with long-awaited vacations, and you might be tempted to shop for a whole new wardrobe to celebrate. If you’re purchasing new summer attire, consider gently used and thrifted options or look at where your items were produced, under what conditions, and how far they had to travel to get to your door. Not only do used goods help the environment, but they can also help your wallet as they are usually much more cost-effective than new products. 

Get your green thumb out!

Even as we approach June, It’s not too late to start a garden! Try to grow your own produce this summer instead of taking trips to the grocery store and buying packaged goods. You can plant cucumbers, carrots, bell peppers, and many more yummy vegetables that taste even better when grown in your own backyard or window sill garden. 

If growing produce is a little intimidating, try your hand at helping a house plant grow. With longer days and warmer weather, there are tons of nurseries bursting with different plants to choose from.

Explore ways to advance your favorite environmental causes. 

Scope out an organization that helps you clean up your neighborhood or city, helps plant trees, or builds community gardens. Attend community board meetings, get involved with local environmental activists, and reach out to your elected officials. 

Want to advance sustainability but not sure where to start? You can start off by using our Climate Venn and Student Sustainability Guide as resources for figuring out how you can contribute to making the world a little greener.

Native American Heritage Month Banner

Reflections from Native American Heritage Month: Environmental and Social Justice Resources

November is considered Native American Heritage Month. It is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the various cultures, art, and traditions of America’s Native peoples. The native experience and perspective are in no way a monolith, so here are some resources highlighting the diverse groups of people that have long worked to  cultivate a more resilient, sustainable future.

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