How would you make NYU the greenest urban campus? Share. Discuss. Vote.

by Cecil Scheib, Assistant Vice President for Sustainability

Sustainability at NYU. Share. Discuss. Vote.

NYU is aspiring to be among the greenest urban campuses in the nation. And we need your help.

How could you better incorporate sustainability into your learning, teaching, and research? What internships or employee training programs would help you grow? How might we lower our environmental impact from food to energy use? What would you like to see throughout the Global Network?

NYU’S Office of Sustainability is already hard at work, advocating to support our research and teaching missions while setting operational goals and developing strategies for reaching them. We have recently formed a new Sustainability Advisory Group that encompasses representatives from all walks of University life. And with Earth Month upon us, there are currently a host of events designed to engage students, faculty, staff, and administrators throughout NYU in various sustainability initiatives.
But we can’t take the next big steps without hearing your voices.

The Office of Sustainability wants to hear what you would do to make our university, and the world, a more sustainable place. So we have created a site where the NYU community can submit ideas, discuss them, and vote on your favorites: Sustainability at NYU. Share your brilliant proposal today, or check out your fellow Violets’ ideas and let us know what you think!

Almost a thousand members of the NYU community have already logged in to Sustainability at NYU to give voice to their thoughts. We hope that many more will add suggestions and feedback by the deadline for contributing—the last day of classes in May. Don’t miss the chance for your voice to be heard!

Sustainability at NYU is based around four basic categories:

Classes & Research

Working & Learning Programs

Food, Waste, and Purchasing

Climate & Health

There’s also an open forum for ideas that don’t fit neatly into one of the categories above.

We want to hear from you. Help make NYU among the greenest urban campuses in the country by commenting, sharing, and voting all spring!