January 2021

On, January 14, Professor Mary Beth Altier was quoted in this USA Today article on the Capitol Riots entitled, “If someone you care about has been radicalized, here’s what to know.”

On January 11, Professor Mary Beth Altier’s co-authored research with John Horgan, Neil Shortland, and Max Taylor is featured in this Bloomberg Businessweek article entitled, “This Woman Turned Away From Violent Right-Wing Extremism.”

On January 13, Adjunct Assistant Professor Joshua Krasna wrote an article on “Understanding the Wave of Normalization in the Middle East” for the Foreign Policy Research Institute.

In January 2021, Professor Jennifer Trahan, as Co-Chair of the American Branch of the International Law Association International Criminal Court Committee, had the Committee issue a statement, “The Biden Administration Should Rescind the Executive Order Imposing Sanctions on Officials of the International Criminal Court.” Professor Trahan drafted a similar statement issued by the New York City Bar Association, as part of a longer “”Recommendations Respectfully Submitted to the Biden Administration Regarding Principal Actions After Inauguration Related to the Rule of Law.”

Professor Trahan had two book launch events for her book “Existing Legal Limits to Security Council Veto Power in the Face of Atrocity Crimes” (CUP 2020). The Canadian launch was hosted on January 19 (remotely) by the Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights and the University of Ottawa’s Human Rights Research and Education Centre, and was entitled “Unblocking the United Nations Security Council.” Remarkably, the panel featured two former Ministers of Justice and Attorney-Generals of Canada: Irwin Cotler, also longtime Parliamentarian and Chair of the Raoul Wallenberg Centre, and Allan Rock, also former Canadian Ambassador to the United Nations, along with Professor Trahan. Andrew Carswell, Director of the International Rule of Law Initiative and HRREC Fellow at the University of Ottawa, moderated.

On January 27, the Bangladesh launch of Professor Trahan’s book was hosted by The North/South University (remotely) and featured introductory remarks by Professor Abdur Rob Khan, Dean of the School of Humanities & Social Sciences and Professor Rizwan Islam, Chair of the Department of Law. The event was moderated by Saquib Rahman, Senior Lecturer, Department of Law.

Dr. Waheguru Pal Singh Sidhu presented on ‘Can India Re-imagine Multilateralism’ at a the virtual ‘Advancing Reformed Multilateralism in the Changing World’ conference, organized by the Indian Council for World Affairs, 10 December 2020. The presentation focuses on key global trends, and India’s ability to manage them to advance multilateralism in its own interest.

Dr. Sidhu’s lead article on ‘India and the United Nations Security Council: Deja vu?’, in the prestigious IIC Quarterly journal, Summer-Autumn 2020, examines the challenges confronting India as it takes up its elected seat on the Council, and suggests how India can best prepare for an effective tenure in 2021-22.

Dr. Sidhu co-authored (with CGA MSGA student, Michela Millender) an article on ‘Empowering “We the peoples” in the UN’s 75th Year’, for the IPI Global Observatory. The article examines the key findings of the UN75 Report and companion UN75 Declaration, as well as the prospects & problems of implementing them.

The Future of Global Affairs: Managing discontinuities, disruptions, and destruction, co-edited by Dr. Sidhu (with Dr. Christopher Ankersen), has just been published. It features contributions from CGA’s faculty, and the chapters anticipate many of the trends that have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. His chapter on ‘The United Nations: Managing Unrealistic Expectations’ asserts that though the UN is, clearly, not fit for purpose to meet 21st Century challenges, obituaries of the organization might be premature. It argues that despite facing existential crises the UN — as arena, agent, and actor — continues to contribute to global norms on peace & security, development, and human rights.

Given the global interest in the bitterly contested US elections, and the tense transition of power in Washington DC, Dr. Sidhu was regularly invited by several Indian television networks to comment. These included:

Biden Oath Live: The Presidential Inauguration Of Joe Biden | अमेरिका के नए राष्ट्रपति का शपथग्रहण, on 21 January 2021, on Aaj Tak. 

Special Broadcast: Watch US Presidential Inauguration 2021 Ceremony, on 20 January 2021, on DD INDIA.

Special Broadcast: Biden In White House, on 18 and 19 January 2021, on DD INDIA.