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Tamiment Library: An MSLIS Intern’s Perspective

newspapersI’d like to point you to the website created by Roxanne Shirazi, a graduate student in Pratt Institute’s Library and Information Science program. To fulfill the requirements of her practicum course, Roxanne interned at Tamiment Library during the Fall 2010 semester under the supervision of Donna Davey, Tamiment Librarian. Her internship focused on processing backlog and new additions to the Tamiment Newspaper Collection and the Tamiment Pamphlet Collection. I highly recommend reading through the journal of her daily work and observations as well as her final evaluation essay. Roxanne uses her experience at Tamiment to reflect on the convergence of archives and libraries, and offers an honest assessment of how Tamiment is dealing with challenges typical of most special collections libraries (bureaucracy, space limitations, equipment, funding, patron expectations, etc.).

Thanks to Roxanne for all of her hard work at Tamiment! Like most academic institutions, NYU Libraries benefit greatly from the skill and dedication of interns and student assistants and we appreciate their enthusiasm and effort.

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