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Jonathan Nagler Bio

nagler_headshotJonathan Nagler

Jonathan Nagler is Professor of Politics at New York University. He received his AB in government from Harvard University in 1982, and his Ph.D. from Caltech in 1989. He has been a visiting associate professor at Caltech and Harvard, and has taught at the Summer Program, European Consortium for Political Research, Essex University, England, and the Summer Program, Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, University of Michigan, as well as the ESRC Oxford Spring School in Quantitative Methods for Social Research. In 2012 Professor Nagler was a Fernand Braudel Fellow at the European University Institute. Professor Nagler’s research focuses on voting and elections.

Professor Nagler published a series of articles, co-authored with R. Michael Alvarez, on multiple-candidate elections that have examined the relative importance of issues and the state of the economy to voters. Professor Nagler’s work on strategic voting in British elections (with R. Michael Alvarez) won the 1998 Durr award. Over the last 18 years he has also published a series of papers with Jan E. Leighley on the factors influencing voter turnout in the United States. They have just completed a book on voter turnout in the United States from 1972 to 2008. Professor Nagler has also published articles on the voting behavior of Latinos and women.

Professor Nagler is currently working on the impact of economic conditions on voting in presidential elections, and the impact of California’s Top 2 Election law.

Professor Nagler’s work has been supported by several grants from the National Science Foundation. In addition to his research, he established the world wide web site of the Political Methodology Section of the American Political Science Association, and served as president of the association from 2001-2003. Professor Nagler is a former editor of The Political Methodologist. An estimator he developed for the study of voter turnout, Scobit, is incorporated in the STATA statistical package. He is an Inaugural Fellow of the Society for Political methodology.

Professor Nagler has served as an expert witness on court casees on primary reform and election law, and has consulted for presidential campaigns and media surveys. Nagler has appeared as a guest or been interviewed on CNN, MTV, and Fox-News, as well as National Public Radio.