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Stefano Iacus Articles

Using Sentiment Analysis to Monitor Electoral Campaigns: Method Matters–Evidence From the United States and Italy

Ceron, A., Curini, L., Iacus, S.M., (2014) Using Sentiment Analysis to Monitor Electoral Campaigns: Method Matters–Evidence From the United States and Italy, Social Science Computer Review, March 24. DOI 10.1177/0894439314521983. (

Every tweet counts? How sentiment analysis of social media can improve our knowledge of citizens political preferences with an application to Italy and France

Ceron, A., Curini, L., Iacus, S.M., Porro, G. (2013) Every tweet counts? How sentiment analysis of social media can improve our knowledge of citizens political preferences with an application to Italy and France, New Media & Society, 16(2), 340–358. DOI 10.1177/ 1461444813480466. (