
Lecture Notes

Lecture 1 Thu: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics (PDF)
Lecture 2 Tue: Linear and nonlinear theories, superposition
Lecture 3 Thu: Interferometers, Photons
Lecture 4 Tue: [Dr. Lotfizadeh] Schrodinger equations, Operators
Lecture 5 Thu: Operators, Commutation, Pauli matrices
HW1 (PDF) HW1 Bonus (PDF) Due Sept 23rd HW Solutions (PDF)
Lecture 6 Tue: Normalization, Probability current density and Hermitian properties
Lecture 7 Thu: Probability density, Expectation value, time dependent operators and commutation properties
HW2 (PDF) HW2 Bonus (PDF) Due Sept 30th HW Solutions (PDF)
Lecture 8 Tue: Properties of Hermitian operators: eigenvalues, eigenfunctions
Lecture 9 Thu: Uncertainty principle
HW3 (PDF) HW3 Bonus (PDF) Due Oct 7th HW Solutions (PDF)
Lecture 10 Tue: Properties of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions
Lecture 11 Thu: Infinite quantum well
Lecture 12: Thu: Free electron on a periodic potential 
Midterm I: Tuesday Oct 19th, Solution (PDF)
Lecture 13: Thu: Finite quantum well
HW4 (PDF) HW4 Bonus (PDF) HW Solutions (PDF)
Lecture 14: Tue: Properties of 1D bound states
Lecture 15: Thu: Delta function
Lecture 16: Tue: Harmonic Oscillator: part a
HW5 (PDF) due on Tues Nov 9th HW Solutions (PDF)
Lecture 16: Thu: Harmonic Oscillator: part b
HW6 (PDF) due on Thu Nov 11th Solutions (PDF)
Lecture 17: Tue: Harmonic oscillation examples, Scattering
Lecture 18: Thu: Scattering (step and resonances)
Midterm II: Take home 18th to 23rd (PDF) Solutions (PDF)
Lecture 19: Tue: Scattering/Angular momentum
Lecture 20: Thu: Angular momentum
Lecture 21: Tue: 3D Schrodingr equation
HW7 (PDF) due on Tue Dec 7th
Lecture 22: Thu: Review of the course up to 3D
Lecture 23: Tue: Radial 3D equation
Lecture 24: Thu: Review of Angular Momentum/3D
Lecture 25: Fri: Overview of the course

Final Exam on Dec 14th 11-12:15pm

Recitation by Kate Storey-Fisher:

Rm 1067 BW T/ 3:30-4:45 

Rm 1067 BW T/ 4:55-6:10

Textbook: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics 3rd Editionby David J. Griffiths, Darrell F. Schroeter

Class Room: 25W4 C2, TR/ 11:00- 12:15

Tentative: Final 40% Midterms 30% Participation 10% HWs 20%.

Fun Reading Materials: 

  1. “An Undulatory Theory of the Mechanics of Atoms and Molecules” by Schrodinger

2. Schrödinger equation revisited” by Schleich et al.