Name: Eva Solo
Date: 27/11/19
Professor: Marcela Godoy
Reading Response:
The readings further pushed my suspicions on the thoughts about the marketing process to the consumer. Companies see as nothing but opportunity to extract money, and as it seems only care about our health when a regulation is in place. In Accumulation: The Material Politics of Plastic: Plastic and the work of the biodegradable, the quotation “It seems that the closer a plastic object comes to our body, the more acutely we evaluate it” (108) directly reminded of the Bag It documentary when the man investigated the toxins that enter your body just by using commonly produced self-care/hygiene products that we not sustainable. In this case I reference sustainability in terms of utilising naturally produced materials. It is true that the closer in proximity we are to something, the more we care about how it affects us, but this goes back to the individualistic perspective on waiting for a disaster to HAVE to change your lifestyle, instead of CHOOSING focusing on prevention for the larger community at hand. What we don’t see is an immediate cause-effect consequence when we pollute our world. The basic satisfaction of clicking a button, feeling the physical touch, hearing the click, and seeing what it activates – is my basic understanding of interactivity and human relation to it. When we pollute the world, the process is a lot more gradual. Even considering how the air pollution from the West/East is currently affecting the ozone levels in Africa is an example that needs to be broadcasted on a much more global levels so we can make decisions based on global effect. In the reading Cradle to Cradle – A Question of Design, I further formulated my thoughts on minimalism and why it resonates with me. I have very recently adopted some of these perspectives, and although I am not a radical activist for this cause, I see a lot of benefits that it brings me on an every day basis. The text highlighted that the designers might take some of our considerations into their design production, but overall they are creating products (almost only) to be thrown away very quickly after purchasing. This perspective fuels the fast market and continues to deceive us into the material realm. My observations from adapting a minimalistic approach resulted in my purchases being made very mindfully and with a lot of consideration for necessity. Besides saving money, I noticed how much joy I can receive from activities not involving material gain. This has been a delightful realisation as I noticed a shift in my quality of life and life priorities I invest my energy in. When I used to be small, I remember thinking that as long as I earn my funds, I will be satisfied with my life. This is almost difficult to admit now, as I have changed my view on the world and my purpose in it so drastically. All of these changing also made me feel a lot more in control of my own path. I stand by my decisions or purchases confidently because I know I invested thought in my actions.
CNC Maschine Tutorial:
This week we also familiarised ourselves with the CNC Machine. Andy took as through a tutorial on how we can use digital fabrication to achieve different elements for our projects. I was considering how 2 dimensional surfaces can be meshed together for a 3D shape, similarly to the legs of the stool. Further Considering my on going development of the kite, I was thinking how I can place surface together for durability so the workshop was very useful for my ideations.
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