Poster I created for my Popcorn Session
On 11/8/19, I hosted a popcorn session closely related to the topics I was exploring in Remade in China. During this informal workshop, I taught my method of cutting and braiding plastic bags. In the casual and fun spirit of Popcorn Sessions, I felt that making friendship bracelets was a great way to teach some simple cutting and weaving skills, but also have a chat about the impact of plastic and create awareness.
About 10 people came to the session, and I tried to keep the instructions simple so that everyone could follow along. The most important thing that I wanted people to leave the session with was not necessarily a bracelet, but a new thought process. 1. Plastic can be a valuable resource, 2. Upcycling is easy to do, 3. Spread the word.
I made a simple presentation to go along with my demonstration, and I am glad that only a few people came since it is easier to manage a small group when teaching hands-on activities. Unfortunately, I don’t have much photographic documentation of the event or everyone’s works in progress or finished products, but Marcela is wearing one of the braided bracelets I made so you can ask her or myself about the event. 🙂