Spring 2024
Jan 26 Planning Meeting

Kalin and Rolle (2024) “Deconstructing Subcategorization: Conditions on Insertion vs. Conditions on Position”

Feb 2 Marantz, A. (1995). Cat as a phrasal idiom: Consequences of late insertion in Distributed Morphology. ms., MIT.
Feb 9
Geist, Kagan, Erschler. To Appear. Mass-Count Distinction and the Russian Singulative Suffix -in-. Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics. 
Feb 16
Kramer, R. (2016). The location of gender features in the syntax. Language and linguistics Compass, 10(11), 661-677.
Feb 23
 No Meeting
Ruth Kramer talk at Syntax Brown Bag
Mar 1 Choi, Jaehoon, and Heidi Harley. “Locality domains and morphological rules: Phases, heads, node-sprouting and suppletion in Korean honorification.” Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 37 (2019): 1319-1365.
 Mar 8 Morphbeer + Tal Linzen’s Lab Joint Meeting

Hofmann, Valentin, Janet B. Pierrehumbert, and Hinrich Schütze. “Superbizarre Is Not Superb: Derivational Morphology Improves BERT’s Interpretation of Complex Words.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.00403 (2021).

Mar 15 Data Discussion — Linguistics Open House
Mar 22 No Meeting — Spring Break
Mar 29 Round Table Ongoing Projects Discussion 
Apr 5 Morphbeer + Semantics Group Joint Meeting

Percus, O. (2011). Gender features and interpretation: a case study. Morphology21(2), 167-196.

Apr 12 Ryan Bennett Colloquium

No Morphbeer

Apr 19 Colloquium Nominations
Apr 26  
May 3  
Fall 2023
Sep 8 Planning Meeting
Sep 15 Gwilliams, Laura. “How the brain composes morphemes into meaning.” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 375.1791 (2020): 20190311.
Sep 22 McGregor, William B. “Optional Ergative Case Marking Systems in a Typological-Semiotic Perspective.” Lingua 120, no. 7 (July 2010): 1610–36. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lingua.2009.05.010.

Christine Discussion on her data on Tibetan Ergativity

Sep 29
No Morphbeer
Oct 6
Arsenijević, Boban. “No gender in ‘gender agreement’: on declension classes and gender in Serbo-Croatian.” Balcania et Slavia 1.1 (2021): 11-46.
Oct 13 Despić, Miloje. “Suspended morphology in Serbian: Clitics vs. affixes.” Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 2.1 (2017)
Oct 20 Miloje Despić Colloquium
Oct 27 Kim, Yuni. “Grammatical and lexical sources of allomorphy in Amuzgo inflectional tone.” Phonology (2023): 1-28
Nov 3 Lundquist, Björn, et al. “Gender change in Norwegian dialects: Comprehension is affected before production.” Linguistics Vanguard 2.s1 (2016): 20160026.
 Nov 10 Hein and Murphy (2023) “Directional syncretism without directional rules” Ms.
 Nov 17 No Morphbeer (Syntax Workshop)
Nov 24 No Morphbeer (Thanksgiving)
Dec 1 Calabrese, A. & Petrosino, R., (2023) “Root-adjacent exponence in the Sanskrit, Ancient Greek, and Latin verbal systems”, Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 8(1).
Dec 8

Stanislao Zompì 2019. “Ergative is not inherent: Evidence from *ABA in suppletion and syncretism.” Glossa 4(1): 73.

Dec 15 No Morphbeer
Spring 2023
Jan 27 No MorphBeer
Feb 3 Janků, Lucie. 2022. The nanosyntax of Czech nominal declensions. Doctoral Dissertation. Masaryk University. Chapter 1-3 and 5.
Feb 10 Dolatian, Hossep. 2022. An apparent case of outwardly-sensitive allomorphy in the Armenian definite. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 7.1. doi: https://doi.org/10.16995/glossa.6406
Feb 17
Nekitel, Otto. 1986. A sketch of nominal concord in Abu'(an Arapesh language).” Papers in New Guinea Linguistics No. 24. Pacific Linguistics
Feb 24 Wolf, Matthew Adam. 2008. Optimal interleaving: Serial phonology-morphology interaction in a constraint-based model. Doctoral Dissertation. University of Massachusetts Amherst. Section. 1.3–2.3.
Mar 3 Armoskaite, Solveiga, and Martina Wiltschko. 2012. There are many ways to be gendered. Proceedings of the annual conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association.
Mar 10 Open House: talk/data discussion by Christine Gu
Mar 17 No MorphBeer [Spring Break]
Mar 24 Wolf, Matthew Adam. 2008. Optimal interleaving: Serial phonology-morphology interaction in a constraint-based model. Doctoral Dissertation. University of Massachusetts Amherst. Section. 3.1–3.5
 Mar 31 Ganenkov, Dmitry. 2020. Missing elsewhere: domain extension in contextual allomorphy. Linguistic Inquiry, 51(4), 785-798. https://doi.org/10.1162/ling_a_00358
 April 7 No MorphBeer
April 14 Kalin, Laura. 2022.  Infixes really are (underlyingly) prefixes/suffixes: Evidence from allomorphy on the fine timing of infixation.  Language 98.4 (2022): 641-682.
April 21 colloquium nominations
April 28

Stockall, Linnaea, and Laura Gwilliams. 2023. Distributed morphology and neurolinguistics. https://ling.auf.net/lingbuzz/006928

May 5 Data discussion on “Big, Bushy Beards and Small Sublexicons” by Maria Gouskova


Fall 2022

Sep 9  No MorphBeer
Sep 16 Harðarson, Gísli R. 2021. On the domains of allomorphy, allosemy and morphophonology in compounds. Nat Lang Linguist Theory  39, 1173–1193. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11049-020-09499-3
Sep 23 Schreiner, Sylvia LR. 2021. Span–conditioned allomorphy and late linearization: Evidence from the Classical Greek perfect.” Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 6.1
Sep 30
Harris, Alice. 2017. Multiple Exponence. Oxford University Press. Chapter 2
Oct 7 No MorphBeer
Oct 14 Gong, Zhiyu. 2021. Postsyntactic Lowering and linear relations in Dagur noun phrases, Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 6(1): 42. doi: https://doi.org/10.5334/gjgl.1397
Oct 21 Acquaviva, Paolo. 2009. The structure of the Italian declension system. 6th Décembrettes: Morphology in Bordeaux 50-62.
Oct 28 Bateman, Nicoleta, and Maria Polinsky. 2010.  Romanian as a Two-Gender Language. In Hypothesis A/
Hypothesis B, ed. D. Gerdts, J. Moore, and M. Polinsky, 41-77. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Nov 4 No MorphBeer
 Nov 11 Adger, David, and Jennifer Smith. 2010. Variation in agreement: A lexical feature-based approach.  Lingua 120.5: 1109-1134.
 Nov 18 Watanabe, Akira. 2015.  Valuation as deletion: inverse in Jemez and Kiowa. Nat Lang Linguist Theory 33, 1387–1420. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11049-014-9272-6
Nov 25 No MorphBeer
Dec 2 Reread: Watanabe, Akira. 2015.  Valuation as deletion: inverse in Jemez and Kiowa. Nat Lang Linguist Theory 33, 1387–1420. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11049-014-9272-6
Dec 9

Donohue, Mark. 2015. Morphological opacity: Rules of referral in Kanum verbs. https://doi.org/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198723769.003.0004

Spring 2022
Feb 4   Organizational Meeting
Feb 11 Royer, Justin. 2022. Prosody as syntactic evidence. Nat Lang Linguist Theory 40, 239–284 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11049-021-09506-1 [Led by Kate Mooney]
Feb 18 Alexiadou, Artemis. 2020. Compound Formation in Language Mixing.” Frontiers in Psychology (2020): 1021. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01021 [Led by Sarah Phillips]
Feb 25
Kupisch, Tanja., & Polinsky, Maria. 2022. Language history on fast forward: Innovations in heritage languages and diachronic change. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 25(1), 1-12. doi:10.1017/S1366728921000997 [Led by Sarah Phillips]
Mar 4 Colloquium Nominations
Mar 11 Open House: Data discussion (Naomi Lee)
Mar 18 Spring Break – No MorphBeer
Mar 25 Demuth, Katherine & Sara Weschler. 2012. The acquisition of Sesotho nominal agreement. Morphology 22(1). 67–88. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11525-011-9192-7
Apr 1 Harley, Heidi. 2020. Relative nominals and event nominals in Hiaki. In Artemis Alexiadou & Hagit Borer, eds., Nominalization: 50 Years on from Chomsky’s Remarks, 203–230. 
 Apr 8 Bethin, Christina. 2021. Stress, gender, and declension class in Belarusian. Linguisticshttps://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/ling-2021-0171/html
 Apr 15 Schumacher, R. Alexander & Janet B. Pierrehumbert. 2021. Familiarity, consistency, and systematizing in morphology. Cognition 212. 104512. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cognition.2020.104512
Apr 22 Talk by  Indaiá Bassani (Prefix allomorphy in complex verbs of Brazilian Portuguese)
Apr 29 Rodina, Yulia, and Marit Westergaard. 2015. “Grammatical gender in Norwegian: Language acquisition and language change.” Journal of Germanic Linguistics 27.2 (2015): 145-187. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1470542714000245
May 6 Talk by Anna Grabovac (A concord-via-domination approach to Slavic numeral constructions) 
For papers and talks from previous years, see our schedule archive.
Fall 2021
Sep 10 Kalin, Laura, and Philipp Weisser. (2021). Minimalism, morphology, and the lexicon: Then and now. Ms. Princeton University and Leipzig University, for the Cambridge Handbook of Minimalism.
Sep 17 Kiparsky, Paul. 2021. Phonology to the rescue: Nez Perce morphology revisited. The Linguistic Review, vol. , no. , 2021, pp. 000010151520212071. https://doi.org/10.1515/tlr-2021-2071
Sep 24 Caha, Pavel. 2021. Modeling declensions without declension features. The case of Russian. Acta Linguistica Academica. https://doi.org/10.1556/2062.2021.00433
Oct1 Paparounas, Lefteris. 2021. Default by intervention: Allomorphy and locality in the Modern Greek verb. Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America, 6(1), 499–513. https://doi.org/10.3765/plsa.v6i1.4985
Oct 8 Jakobson, Roman. 1931. Morphological observations on Slavic declension (the structure of Russian case forms). Roman Jakobson. Russian and Slavic grammar: Studies, 1981, 105-133.
Oct 15 Martinović, Martina. 2021. Feature Geometry and Head-Splitting in the Wolof Clausal Periphery. Linguistic Inquiry 2021; doi: https://doi.org/10.1162/ling_a_00447
Oct 22 Rolle, Nicholas., & Vuillermet, Marine. 2018. Morphologically Assigned Accent and an Initial Three-Syllable Window in Ese’eja. In R. Goedemans, J. Heinz, & H. Van der Hulst (Eds.), The Study of Word Stress and Accent: Theories, Methods and Data (pp. 361-386). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781316683101.013
Oct 29 No MorphBeer
Nov 5 Embick, David. 2021. The Motivation for Roots in Distributed Morphology. Annual Review of Linguistics 7. 69-88. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-linguistics-040620-061341
 Nov 12 Wilmoth, S., Mansfield, J. Inflectional predictability and prosodic morphology in Pitjantjatjara and Yankunytjatjara. Morphology 31, 355–381 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11525-021-09380-y
Nov 19 No MorphBeer
Nov 26 No MorphBeer
Dec 3 Bárány, András., 2021. Partially ordered case hierarchies. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 6(1), p.76. doi: https://doi.org/10.5334/gjgl.1451
Dec 10 No MorphBeer
Spring 2021
Jan29 Introductory meeting
Feb 5 Haugen, J. D. (2011). Reduplication in Distributed Morphology. The Coyote Papers 18, 1–27. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/143067.
Feb 12 Kramer, R. (2016). Syncretism in paradigm function morphology and distributed morphology.  In D. Siddiqi & H. Harley (eds.), Morphological Metatheory, 95–120. https://doi.org/10.1075/la.229.04kra.
Feb 19 (no MorphBeer – Ruth Kramer colloquium)
Feb 26 (colloquium nominations)
Mar 5 (no MorphBeer)
Mar 12 Data discussion:
Kate Mooney (NYU)
Mar 19 (no MorphBeer — Spring Break)
Mar 26 (no MorphBeer)
Apr 2 Lepic, R & C. Padden. (2017). A-morphous iconicity. In C. Bowern, L. Horn, & R. Zanuttini (eds.), On looking into words (and beyond): Structures, Relations, Analyses, 489–516. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.495463.
Apr 9 (no MorphBeer)
Apr 16 Bresnan, J. (2021). Formal grammar, usage probabilities, and auxiliary contraction. Language 97(1), 108–150. https://doi-org.proxy.library.nyu.edu/10.1353/lan.2021.0003.
Apr 23 (no MorphBeer)
Apr 30 Talk:
Kate Mooney (NYU)
May 7 Talk:
Lydia Felice (Georgetown)
Fall 2020
Sep 4 Introductory meeting
Sep 11 Trommer, J. (2019). The subsegmental structure of German plural allomorphy. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11049-020-09479-7.
Sep 18 Paper discussion:
Maria Gouskova (NYU) and Jonathan Bobaljik (Harvard):
Russian Baby Diminutives: Heading toward an analysis
Sep 25 (no MorphBeer)
Oct 2 Vanden Wyngaerd, G., et al. (2020). How to be positive. lingbuzz/004806.
Oct 9 Müller, G. (2004). A Distributed Morphology Approach to Syncretism in Russian Noun Inflection. In O. Arnaudova, W. Browne, M. L. Rivero, & D. Stojanovic (eds.), Proceedings of FASL 12. https://home.uni-leipzig.de/muellerg/mu52.pdf.
Oct 16 (no MorphBeer)
Oct 23 Talk:
Matthew Hewett (Chicago)
Oct 30 Hyman, L. M. (1995). Minimality and the prosodic morphology of Cibemba imbrication.  Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 16(1), 3–39. https://doi.org/10.1515/jall.1995.16.1.3.
Nov 6  
Nov 13 (no MorphBeer)
Nov 20 Talk:
Juliet Stanton (NYU)
Nov 27 (no MorphBeer — Thanksgiving!)
Dec 4 (no Morph Beer)
Spring 2020
Jan 31
Mansfield, J., Stoll, S., & Bickel, B. (2019). Category clustering: A probabilistic bias in the morphology of verbal agreement marking [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/kagqj
Feb 7 Data discussion:
Maria Gouskova (NYU): Number-conditioned suppletion in Russian diminutives.
Feb 14
Maldonado, M., & Culbertson, J . (2019). “Person of Interest: Experimental Investigations into the Learnability of Person Systems.”
Feb 21 Talk:
Zoë Belk (UCL): Loss of case and gender in two generations: Contemporary Hasidic Yiddish worldwide.
Feb 28
Sigurðsson, H. Á. (2019). “Gender at the Edge.” Linguistic Inquiry 50(4):723–50.
Mar 6
Akkuş, F. (2019). On Iranian case and agreement. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11049-019-09457-8
Mar 13 (MorphBeer cancelled)
Mar 20 (no MorphBeer – spring break!)
Mar 27 (no MorphBeer)
Apr 3 Zyman, E., & Kalivoda, N. (2020). XP- and X0-movement in the Latin verb: Evidence from mirroring and anti-mirroring. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics5(1), 20. http://doi.org/10.5334/gjgl.1049
Apr 10 Folli, R., Harley, H., & Karimi, S. (2005). Determinants of event type in Persian complex predicates. Lingua, 115(10), 1365–1401. http://doi:10.1016/j.lingua.2004.06.002
Apr 17 Han, C., & Lee, C. (2007). On Negative Imperatives in Korean. Linguistic Inquiry 38(2), 373–95. https://doi.org/10.1162/ling.2007.38.2.373
Apr 24
Sadock, J. (1986). Some Notes on Noun Incorporation. Language, 62(1), 19-31. https://doi.org/10.2307/415598
May 1 (no MorphBeer)
May 8 (no MorphBeer)
Fall 2019
Sep 13
Myler, N. (2018). Complex copula systems as suppletive allomorphy. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics, 3(1), 51. https://doi.org/10.5334/gjgl.214
Sep 20 Grimm, S. (2018). Grammatical number and the scale of individuation. Language, 94(3), 527–574. https://doi.org/10.1353/lan.2018.0035
Sep 27
Pross, T. (2019). What about lexical semantics if syntax is the only generative component of the grammar? Natural Language & Linguistic Theory, 37(1), 215–261. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11049-018-9410-7
Oct 4 Choi, J., & Harley, H. (2019). Locality domains and morphological rules: Phases, heads, node-sprouting and suppletion in Korean honorification. Natural Language & Linguistic Theoryhttps://doi.org/10.1007/s11049-018-09438-3
Oct 11 No Morphbeer, go to
Donka Farkas’ Guest Lecture (Semantics Seminar)
Oct 18 Creemers, A., Don, J., & Fenger, P. (2018). Some affixes are roots, others are heads. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory36(1), 45–84. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11049-017-9372-1
Oct 25 (NELS)
Nov 1 Kastner, I. (2019). Templatic morphology as an emergent property. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory37(2), 571–619. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11049-018-9419-y
Nov 8  
Nov 15 Tyler, M. & Kastner, I. (2019). Serial Verb Constructions and the Syntax-Prosody
Interface. Manuscript
Paper Discussion with Matthew Tyler
Nov 22 Grano, T. & Davis, S. (2019). Universal markedness in gradable adjectives revisited: The morpho-semantics of the positive form in Arabic. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory36(1), 131–147. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11049-017-9365-0
Nov 29 Thanksgiving
Dec 6
De Clercq, K. & Vanden Wyngaerd, G. (2019). Negation and the functional sequence. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory, 37(2), 425–460. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11049-018-9415-2
Dec 13  
Spring 2019
May 10 Talk by Mary Robinson
May 3 Bridget Copley and Heidi Harley. (2018). What would it take to tame the verbal hydra? ms.

Background reading: Bridget Copley and Heidi Harley. (2015). A force-theoretic framework for event structure. Linguistics and Philosophy 38:103-158.

Apr 26 Talk by Guy Tabachnick: Paradigm uniformity in Czech prefix vocalization
Apr 19 Gillian Ramchand. (2008). Verb meaning and the lexicon. Cambridge: CUP, Chapter 4.
Apr 12 Maria Gouskova and Jonathan D. Bobaljik. (2019). Allomorphy and Vocabulary Insertion. ms.
Mar 29 No meeting — Come to RichieFest!
Mar 22 No meeting — Spring Break!
Mar 15 Talk by Hagen Blix: (Dis)continuous bleeding as a contiguity effect
Mar 8 Yuni Kim. (2010). Phonological and morphological conditions on affix order in Huave. Morphology 20:133-163.
Mar 1 Karlos Arregi and Andrew Nevins. (2018). Beware Occam’s Syntactic Razor: Morphotactic analysis and Spanish mesoclisis. Linguistic Inquiry 49:625-683.
Feb 22 James Harris and Morris Halle. (2005). Unexpected plural inflections in Spanish: Reduplication and metathesisLinguistic Inquiry 36:192-222.
Feb 15 Peter Jenks and Sharon Rose. (2015). Mobile object markers in Moro: The role of tone. Language 91:269-307.
Feb 8 Paul Kiparsky. (2017). Nominal verbs and transitive nouns: Vindicating lexicalism. In Claire Bowern, Laurence Horn & Raffaella Zanuttini (eds.), On looking into words (and beyond), 311–346. Berlin: Language Science Press.
Feb 1 Benjamin Bruening. (2018). The lexicalist hypothesis: both wrong and superfluous. Language 94:1-42.
Fall 2018
Dec 14
Dec 7
Talk by Juliet Stanton and Donca Steriade: Modified cyclicity: the stress of English Latinate derivatives
Nov 30


Abeer Asli-Badarneh and Mark Leiken. (2018). Morphological ability among monolingual and bilingual speakers in early childhood: The case of two Semitic languagesInternational Journal of Bilingualism. 

Nov 23
No meeting — Thanksgiving Break!
Nov 16
Data discussion by Kate Mooney: Syntactically-triggered metathesis: How close is close enough?
Nov 9
Boris Harizanov and Vera Gribanova. (2018). Whither head movement? NLLT: 1-62.
Nov 2
Talk by Mary Robinson: *ABA: What can child L1 acquisition tell us about suppletive paradigms?
Oct 26 No meeting
Oct 19 No meeting — Come to NWAV 47!
Oct 12 Pavel Caha, Karen De Clercq & Guiodo Vanden Wyngaerd. (2018). The Fine Structure of the Comparative. lingbuzz/003790.
Oct 5 No meeting
Sept 28 Peter Svenonius. (2004). Slavic prefixes inside and outside VP. Nordlyd 32: 205-253.

Optional background reading: Peter Svenonius. (2004). Slavic prefixes and morphology. Nordlyd 32: 177-204.

Sept 21 Hilda Koopman. (2017). A Note on Huave Morpheme Ordering: Local Dislocation or Generalized U20? In G. Sengupta, S. Sircar, M. G. Raman, & R. Balusu (eds.), Perspectives on the Architecture and Acquisition of Syntax. Springer. 
Sept 14 Neil Myler. (2017). Exceptions to the Mirror Principle and Morphophonological “action at a distance”: The role of “word”-internal Phrasal Movement and Spell Out.  In Heather Newell, Maire Noonan, Glyne Piggott, and Lisa Travis (eds.)  The Structure of Words at the Interfaces.  OUP.
Spring 2018
Apr 27 SocioMorphBeer: Stephany Brett Dunstan. (2010). Identities in Transition: The use of AAVE grammatical features by Hispanic Adolescents in two North Carolina CommunitiesAmerican Speech 85(2): 185- 204.
Apr 20 Talk by Zoubida Ziani.
Apr 13 Andrew Nevins. (2011). Multiple agree with clitics: person complementarity vs. omnivorous number. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 4: 939-971.
Apr 6 Data discussion with Maddie Gilbert.
Mar 30 Data discussion with Maria Kouneli.
Mar 23 Andrew Simpson & Saurov Syed. (2016). Blocking effects of higher numerals in Bangla: A phase-based analysis. Linguistic Inquiry 47: 754-763.
Mar 16 No meeting. Spring break!
Mar 9 Talk by Yohei Oseki: Syntactic structures in morphological processing.

Supplementary reading: Alec Marantz. (2013). No escape from morphemes in morphological processingLanguage and Cognitive Processes 28: 905-916.

Mar 2 Jennifer Austin. (2009). Delay, interference and bilingual development: The acquisition of verbal morphology in children learning Basque and Spanish. International Journal of Bilingualism 13: 447-479.
Feb 23 Zoe Belk. To appear. Verbal bracketing paradoxes: a new approach. Syntax.
Feb 9-16 No meetings.
Feb 2 Talk by Alec Marantz: Unergatives and the autonomy of syntax.

Supplementary reading: Ken Hale & Jay Keyser. (1992). Lexical categories and the projection of argument structure.

Jan 26 Daniel Harbour. (2017). Frankenduals. lingbuzz/003780


Fall 2017
Dec 8 Jochen Trommer. (1999). Morphology consuming Syntax’ Resources:  Generation and Parsing in a Minimalist Version of Distributed Morphology.  Procceedings of ESSLI Workshop on Resource Logics and Minimalist Grammars.

Optional: Jochen Trommer. (2003). Feature (Non-)Insertion in a Minimalist Approach to Spellout. Proceedings of CLS 39.

Dec 1 Talk by Jonathan Bobaljik: Generalizing *ABA.

Supplementary readings: Jonathan Bobaljik & Uli Sauerland. (2017). *ABA and The Combinatorics of Morphological Features. lingbuzz/003320

Peter W. Smith, Beata Moskal, Ting Xu, Jungmin Kang & Jonathan D. Bobaljik. (2016). Case and number suppletion in pronouns. lingbuzz/003110

Nov 24 No meeting. Thanksgiving!
Nov 17 Erez Levon & Isabelle Buchstaller. (2015). Perception, cognition, and linguistic structure: The effect of linguistic modularity and cognitive style on sociolinguistic processingLanguage Variation and Change 27: 319–348.
Nov 10 No meeting. Come to the Biolinguistics Conference instead!
Nov 3 Yusuke Imanishi. (2014). Default ergative. MIT: PhD dissertation. Chapter 2.
Oct 27 Benjamin Bruening. (2017). Consolidated Morphology: A Non-Distributed, Purely Syntactic Theory of Morphology. University of Delaware, ms. Chapters 1-2, 4.
Oct 20
Hilda Koopman. (2005). Korean (and Japanese) morphology from a syntactic perspectiveLinguistic Inquiry 36: 601-633.
Oct 13 Talk by Yining Nie: Austronesian voice morphology and the structure of causatives.
Oct 6 Máire Noonan. (2017). Dutch and German R-pronouns and P-stranding. R you sure it’s P-stranding? In Heather Newell, Máire Noonan, Glyne Piggott & Lisa deMena Travis (eds.), The Structure of Words at the Interfaces. OUP, 209–239.
Sept 29 Nikolai Trubetzkoy. (1958/1969). Principles of phonology. Pages 256-308.
Sept 15/22 No meeting. Come to AMP 2017 instead!
Sept 8 Morris Halle. (1973). Prolegomena to a theory of word formation.  Linguistic Inquiry 4: 3-16.
Spring 2017
May 5 Newkirk-Turner,  Brandi L. & Lisa Green. (2016). Third person singular –s and event marking in child African American EnglishLinguistic Variation 16: 103-130.
Apr 28 Talk by Adina Williams: English weakness in definites and bare singulars.
Apr 21 No meeting (QP conference).
Apr 14 Dunbar, Ewen & Alexis Wellwood. (2016). Addressing the ‘two interface’ problem: Comparatives and superlatives. Glossa 1, 5.
Apr 7  Gagliardi, Annie & Jeffrey Lidz. (2014). Statistical insensitivity in the acquisition of Tsez noun classesLanguage 90: 58-89.
Mar 31 Morley, Rebecca. (2017). Is phonological consonant epenthesis possible? A series of artificial grammar learning experiments. lingbuzz/003354
Mar 24 Sheehan, Michelle & Sonia Cyrino. (2016). Variation and change in the Romance faire-par causative. In Romance Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 10: Selected papers from ‘Going Romance’ 28, Lisbon. John Benjamins, 279-304.
Mar 17 No meeting (Spring break).
Mar 10 Data discussion with Maddie Gilbert & Mary Robinson: Spanish ‘re’: particle or clitic?
Mar 3 Griffiths, James & Craig Sailor. (2015). Prepositional object gaps in British EnglishLinguistics in the Netherlands 2015: 63-74.
Feb 10 Svenonius, Peter. (2016). Spans and words. In D. Siddiqi & H. Harley (eds.), Morphological metatheory. John Benjamins, 201-222.
Feb 3 Erlewine, Michael Y., Theodore Levin & Coppe van Urk. (2015). Ergativity and Austronesian-type voice systems. lingbuzz/002629
Jan 27  Yu, Kristine. M. (submitted). Tonal marking of absolutive case in Samoan.
Fall 2016
Dec 9 Smith, Peter W., Beata Moskal, Ting Xu, Jungmin Kang & Jonathan D. Bobaljik. (2016). Case and number suppletion in pronouns. ling.auf.net/lingbuzz/003110
Dec 2 Tamminga, Meredith, Laurel MacKenzie & David Embick. (to appear). The dynamics of variation in individualsLinguistic Variation 16.
Nov 25 No meeting (Thanksgiving break).
Nov 18 SanGregory, Erin. (2015). Towards a new analysis of Wakhi clitics. Occasional Papers in Applied Linguistics 12.
Nov 11 Data discussion with Mary Robinson: Shughni clitics.
Nov 4 Harley, Heidi & Hyun Kyoung Jung. (2015). In support of the P-have analysis of the double object construction. Linguistic Inquiry 46: 702-730.
Oct 28 Talk by Anna Maria Di Sciullo: On morphology and interface asymmetries.
Oct 21 Smith, Jennifer. (2016). Segmental noun/verb phonotactic differences are productive too.
Oct 14 No meeting.
Oct 7 Talk by Hagen Blix: Spans in verbal agreement: The case of South Caucasian.
Sept 30 Levinson, Lisa. (2014). The ontology of roots and verbs. In A. Alexiadou, H. Borer & F. Schäfer (eds.), The Syntax of Roots and the Roots of Syntax. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 208-229.
Sept 23 De Belder, Marijke & Jeroen van Craenenbroeck. (2015). How to merge a root. Linguistic Inquiry 46: 625-655.
Sept 16 Talk by Yohei Oseki: Computational modeling of hierarchical morphological structures.
Sept 9 Pak, Marjorie. (2016). How allomorphic is English article allomorphy? Glossa 1, 20.
Spring 2016
May 6 Childs & van Herk. (2014) Work that –s!: Drag queens, gender, identity, and traditional Newfoundland English. Journal of Sociolinguistics 18: 634-657.
Apr 29 Alexiadou et al. (2015) Language mixing: A Distributed Morphology approach. NELS 45.
Apr 22 Yang, Charles. (2015) Negative knowledge from positive evidence. Language: 938-953.

Goldberg & Boyd. (2015) A-adjectives, statistical preemption, and the evidence: Reply to Yang (2015). Language: e184-e197.

Apr 15 Arsenijević, Boban. (2016) Gender as a grammaticalized classifier system: the case of the Serbo-Croatian neuter. lingbuzz/002848.
Apr 8 Talk by Yining Nie.
Apr 1 Coon & Preminger. (2015) Split ergativity is not ergativity. lingbuzz/002509.
Mar 25 12.00pm: Talk by Steven Foley (jointly organized with the Syntax Brown Bag)

2.00pm: Faust, Noam. (2016) Weak radicals, weak suppletion, and phonological indices in Semitic. Morphology: 1-19.

Mar 18 No meeting (Spring break).
Mar 11 Caha, Pavel. (2016) Notes on insertion in Distributed Morphology and Nanosyntax. lingbuzz/002855.

[Optional] Baunaz & Lander. (2016) Nanosyntax: The basics. To appear in a nanosyntax volume from OUP.

Mar 4 Talk by Byron Ahn.
Feb 26 Lopez, Luis. (2015) Parallel Computation in Word Formation. Linguistic Inquiry 46: 657-701.
Feb 19 Moskal & Smith. (2015) Towards a theory without adjacency: hyper-contextual VI-rules. Morphology: 1-18.
Feb 12 No meeting.
Feb 5 Talk by Itamar Kastner.
Jan 29 Harbour, Daniel. (2014) Paucity, abundance, and the theory of number. Language 90: 185-229.
Fall 2015
Dec 10 Bermúdez-Otero, Ricardo. (2015) We do not need structuralist morphemes, but we do need constituent structure. Unpublished manuscript.
Dec 3 Hazen, Kirk. (2014) A new role for an ancient variable in Appalachia: Paradigm leveling and standardization in West Virginia. Language Variation and Change 26: 77-102.
Nov 27 No meeting (Thanksgiving).
Nov 20 Bennett, Harizanov, and Henderson. (2015) Prosodic smothering in Macedonian and Kaqchikel. Unpublished manuscript.
Nov 13 Alexiadou, Artemis. (2015) Roots in transitivity alternations. In Alexiadou, Borer & Schaffer (eds.), The Syntax of Roots and the Roots of Syntax.
Nov 6 Kramer, Ruth. (2014) Gender in Amharic: A Morphosyntactic Approach to Natural and Grammatical Gender. Language Sciences 43: 102-115.
Oct 30 Talk by Ian Roberts (jointly organized with the Syntax Brown Bag)
Oct 23 Talk by Mohamed Lahrouchi (jointly organized with the PEP lab)
Oct 16 No meeting.
Oct 9 Lignos & Yang. (2015) Morphology and Language Acquisition.  To appear in Hippisley & Stump (eds.), Cambridge Handbook of Morphology.
Oct 2 Talk by Itamar Kastner.
Sept 25 Borer, Hagit. (2014) The category of roots. In Alexiadou, Borer & Schaffer (eds.), The Syntax of Roots and the Roots of Syntax.
Sept 18 Nevins & Rodrigues. (2012) Naturalness Biases, ‘Morphomes’, and the Romance First Person Singular. Unpublished manuscript.

Marusic, Nevins & Badecker. (2015) The Grammar of Conjunction Agreement in Slovenian. Syntax 18: 39-77.

Sept 11 Merchant, Jason. (2015) How much context is enough? Two cases of span-conditioned stem allomorphy. Linguistic Inquiry 46: 273-303.
Sept 4 Myler, Neil. (2015) Stem Storage? Not Proven: A Reply to Bermúdez-Otero 2013. Linguistic Inquiry 46: 173-186.

The Fall 2011 – Spring 2015 schedule can be found on the previous Morph Beer website created by Itamar Kastner.