Category: visual culture

Seeing 2015: Looking Back With Love and Anger

Most media outlets posted a ‘best of 2015’ photo selection that seemed very predictable–lots of people in distress, no one trying to make change or help others. Here’s my own take, based on the chapters in How To See The World. As with the book itself, it unfolds from single image analysis to comparative and activist…

The Drowned and The Sacred: To See the Unspeakable

Idly scrolling on Saturday morning, August 29, avoiding work, I come across them. Flinching, I share. Try to write a comment but nothing sounds right. Everyone says: ‘No. Words.’ Which does not mean that they have nothing to say, it’s just what you say online when things like this happen. Against that, the now-standard academic…

#BlackLivesLooking: How Ferguson taught us not to look away

One year ago, on August 9 2014, then-police officer Darren Wilson shot and killed Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. Wilson estimated during the grand jury hearings that the entire incident lasted “less than a minute” from start to finish. From that minute has grown a movement, reinforced on a seemingly daily basis by new violence….