Photo of person posing next to a crop of plants.


The Gallatin Global Fellowship in Urban Practice (GGFUP) provides funding of up to $5,000 and support for advanced undergraduate and Master’s students to pursue extended, community-engaged research projects in partnership with urban social justice organizations in New York, Chicago, Oakland, Buenos Aires, Berlin, and Madrid. Based on a vision of sharing resources, producing practical scholarly research, and self-reflexively critiquing systems of power and privilege, this fellowship is built upon established long-term partnerships with community-based organizations. Each research project is co-designed by the host organization with faculty mentors and Urban Practice fellows.

A group of young people posing for a picture together.


A variety of collaborators bring skill, expertise, curiosity, and vision to this fellowship. Students are trained in interdisciplinary research and encouraged to apply the critical thinking and writing skills they gain in the classroom to the practice of research that has real-world impact. Mentors, who are scholars and activists in their own right, guide students through the process of gathering evidence and developing their projects from a scholarly perspective. Community Partners provide the outlines of the research project, refine the inquiry, and closely supervise the fellows throughout the fellowship period.

Continue reading “Profiles”

A darkly colored map of Madrid with bright green dots marking various locations.


Here you can browse through fellows’ projects past and present. Fellows make use of mapping, data visualization, audio and video interviews, and storytelling to investigate the research questions presented to them by their community partners. Often, the projects that result from this work are used by community partners as a resource for advocacy, documentation, and data. Continue reading “Projects”