Reel China 6th Biennial Participant Bios

Andrea Cavazuti was born 1959 in Milano, Italy. He holds a master degrees in Chinese Language and Literature from Venice University and Shanghai Fudan University and has lived in China since 1982.  Cavazuti is an independent film-maker and photographer.

CONG Feng was born in 1972, in Chende, Hebei Province, China. He worked at the national weather bureau and newspapers for several years, and self-published his poetry collection,  Invisible Train, andMasmediacspoeshitry. Now an independent filmmaker, he currently lives in Beijing.

FAN Jian graduated from Beijing Film Academy. In 2006, his documentary film on Chinese migrant workers, “Dancing in The City,” was selected by the International Documentary Festival, Amsterdam (IDFA). “The Next Life,” is a co-production with NHK Asian Films and AJE Nigeria Filmworks. It was an official selection of IDFA 2011 and won the Jury Prize of Guangzhou International Documentary Film Festival 2011. FAN’s new documentary “Running in the City” is in production.

HAO Jian is a professor at Beijing Film Academy and an active film critic, programmer, and screenwriter in China. His screenwriting credits include Crash Landing (1999), Sleepless City (2003),Spring Festival (2005), and Foxtrot (2007). His published works include Genre Film and Film Genre (2002), Obliged Carnival(2004), and Chinese TV Drama: A Cultural and Typological Study (2008).  He is currently working as a director and producer for a new documentary, Yu Luoke.  

HE Liren works for the Transition Social & Economic Institute, an NGO and think tank that researches China’s most pressing social issues.  This is his first documentary.  At the end of 2007, he began to survey and collect information on China’s private real estate market.  While shooting the film, he traveled to Beijing, Nanjing, Hanzhou and Changsha, and finished filming by the end of 2010.  The final editing was completed in July, 2011.

LUO Bing was born in 1986 and graduated from the China Fine Arts Academy in 2009. He is currently a resident artist at CCD Workstation. He has made two documentary features “Ren Dingqi, Autobiography, Me and Luo Village” (2011) and “Luo village: Pitiless Earth and Sky” (2012).

PEMA Tseden (1969, Qinghai province) is the son of Tibetan nomads, the only one of three siblings to have finished his schooling. He is also the first director in China ever to film movies entirely in the Tibetan language. Tibetan life is the central concern of his documentaries and films.

QIU Jiongjiong (1977, Leshan) is a Beijing-based all-round artist. Occupied with drawing and theater from a very early age, he dropped out of school at 18 and immediately became a practicing artist. In 2007 he finished his first documentary “Winehouse.”

WANG Wo was born in Handan, Hebei province. He holds a BFA from The Central Academy of Arts and Design (1995) and MFA from The Academy of Arts and Design at Tsinghua University. He currently lives and works in Beijing. “Zheteng” is his third feature-length documentary. The previous two are “Outside” (2005) and “Noise” (2007).

WANG Yunlong entered the Kunming Military Arts Ensemble when he was sixteen. During the Cultural Revolution, he was persecuted and sent to work in a factory for “re-education by workers.” In 1987 Wang became a writer-director at Yunnan TV station. Refusing to be a mere mouthpiece for the party, he insisted on filming ordinary people and produced an array of award-winning documentaries. After retirement, Wang began to make documentaries that he had not dared to make before, revealing the cruel persecution the Cultural Revolution inflicted on military art workers–rescuing the historical lessons that would have otherwise been forgotten.

WEN Hui is a choreographer and dancer. She studied choreography at the Beijing Dance Academy and graduated in 1989. In 1994 she founded Living Dance Studio in Beijing with WU Wenguang. In the following years she created and choreographed many performance pieces that toured worldwide. In 2005 she and Wu Wenguang founded CCD Workstation, an independent artspace in Beijing. “Listening to Third Grandmother’s Stories” is her first documentary film.

WU Wenguang (born 1956 in Yunnan) is a Chinese independent documentary filmmaker. He is known internationally as one of the founding figures of Chinese independent documentary. His first film, Bumming in Beijing: The Last Dreamers, featured a large amount of handheld camerawork and unscripted interviews. This was a stark contrast to Chinese documentaries produced previously, which were generally carefully planned and controlled.-wikipedia.

XU Xing was born in 1956 in Beijing. After his service in the army, XU gained fame for his writings in the mid-1980s which are considered to be modernist and an important part of the literary revival after the Cultural Revolution. He is currently based in Beijing, working on a documentary about the prosecuted villagers during the cultural revolution.

XUE Jianqiang left home at the age of sixteen and has had jobs in a steel mill,  a car wash and a hair salon.  As well he has taught computers and worked as an animation technician.  An avid writer and draughtsman, he has produced dozens of animation and fiction short films to date.

YANG Lina (1972, Changchun) has had three artistic careers. She started as a professional dancer, then became a theater director and finally a documentary maker. She starred as the main character in JIA Zhangke’s movie “Platform.”

Born in Shanghai, YING Liang studied in Beijing and Chongqing before choosing the Sichuan Province as his base. Ying Liang sees himself a director of fiction films, making ultra-low-budget features and advocates a “de-industrialized” and totally independent approach to filmmaking. YING has made four feature-length films and more than a dozen shorts and received a number of prizes at international film festivals. YING is also a film teacher and curator.

Born in 1987, Zhang Mengqi graduated from the Dance Academy of China Minorities University in 2008. She is now a freelance dancer based in Beijing and has under her belt several dance pieces such as “Self-portrait,” “Dialogue with My Mother,” “Self-portrait and Self-Sexual Education.” Her first documentary film is titled “Self-portrait and Three Women.” “Self-Portrait: At 47 KM” is her second film.

Born in the 1970s, ZHANG Zanbo graduated in 2005 with a Master’s degree in film direction from Beijing Film Academy.  His first documentary was “Falling.”

ZHENG Kuo graduated from the Department of Electronic Engineering of BUAA and the College of Ad of Beijing Union University. He joined the army as a military artist for five years, and after he worked in communication companies, newspapers, magazines, advertising companies and film companies. In 2011, he was awarded the Beijing New Youth Film Festival’s New Youth Image Award for his second documentary film, “The Cold Winter.”

ZHU Rikun is a major figure in contemporary Chinese independent film, having produced such acclaimed films as Karamay and Winter Vacation. Earlier in 2012 he co-curated “Hidden Histories,” a series of Chinese independent documentaries for the International Film Festival Rotterdam.

ZOU Xueping was born in 1985. In 2009 she graduated from the China Fine Arts Academy. She is currently a resident artist at CCD Workstation. Before “Children’s Village,” she has made “Mom” (2008), “The Starving Village” (2010) and “Satiated Village” (2011). She also  created her first theatrical piece, “Family Opposition” (2011), performed as part of Memory 2: Hunger by Living Dance Studio.