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英文书评 A Newly Published Book Review
Professor Zhihong Chen’s book, When China Meets the World: Bilingual Business-Finance Cases (Oxford University Press, 2019), reflects her unique approach and comprehensive knowledge as a historian. Based on a wide-ranging selection of classic business cases and primary sources, her book includes four modules, “The Internet Revolution,” “Disruptive Innovation,” “The Strategy of Welcoming Investment In and Sending It Abroad” and “Investment Banks.” These modules delve into the essential factors that shape the contemporary Chinese economy and clearly outline China’s magnificent forty-year journey of reformation and opening up to the world. Professor Chen’s work is not only targeted toward MBA students but also toward anyone interested in further understanding and learning from China and its economy history. As for those seeking to foresee the future evolution of the Chinese economy, this book will also serve as a valuable reference.
陈之宏教授编著的《当中国和世界相遇:中英双语商务金融案例》,以历史学者独特的视角与广博的史识,在第一手资料搜集与经典案例精选的基础上,从“互联网革命”“破坏性创新”“请进来、走出去战略”“投资银行”四个模块出发,深入探讨了塑造当代中国经济基本面貌的关键要素这一主题,清晰勾勒出了改革开放四十年以来中国走向世界、世界改变中国这段波澜壮阔的商业发展历程。陈教授的著作,不仅对于商学院的MBA学生,而且对于所有想要了解中国经济的历史经验教训、思考中国经济未来趋势的读者,都是很好的参考。 —— 宫玉振 《用经典案例勾勒中国当代商业历史——陈之宏教授〈当中国和世界相遇:中英双语商务金融案例〉读后》
书的简介 Introduction to the Book
书的评论 Reviews of the Book
书的特色 Unique Features of the Book
If you are interested in using this book as a teaching material, the book contains the following unique features compared to other popular textbooks in China: 如果把这本书作为教材来用,与国内比较流行的其他教材相比,这本书有以下几个特别之处:
I. Accompanying multimedia
Each topic in the book contains one or more video recordings and accompanying video transcripts. These recordings are produced as a result of the author’s 10+ years of refinement. Video content mainly originates from broadcasts of interviews, speeches, talk shows, and forums aired on Shanghai CBN Network and Phoenix Television. These video recordings are both visually intuitive and convenient for a lively classroom setting. They serve to incorporate expert commentary, professional ideas, and business executives’ first-hand experiences into classroom instruction. This method will help expand students’ professional knowledge and bridge the gap between classroom practices and real-world business settings…
II. Precise Mandarin translations for technical business terminology
The vocabulary lists and glossaries that follow each text are all reviewed by professors and linguistic experts. This is advantageous compared to currently published business language books in China with egregious Chinese-English translation errors.
III. Insightful financial knowledge and case studies
Most business-based educational materials in China are often solely focused on marketing aspects of the field. In contrast, this book strongly emphasizes banking transformations, the emergence of Internet-based finance, cross-border mergers and acquisitions, international investment banking, the 2008 American subprime crisis, and other popular financial topics.
IV. Cross checked extensively for Chinese and English
This book’s preface, chapter introductions, glossaries of business terms, and business concept explanations are provided in both Chinese and English.
V. Printed in traditional characters
It is a very practical skill for students using simplified Chinese characters to also familiarize themselves with traditional characters. This is important for one since Hong Kong is a well-known global finance center where traditional characters are ubiquitous. If a student is interested in international consulting or investment banking, it is paramount for them to have a firm grasp of traditional characters.
VI. Satisfies a diverse readership and extensive audience
This book goes above and beyond the requirements for a standard business language book. It serves as an interdisciplinary text with emphasis on cross-curricular teaching for modern business practices and in-depth professional knowledge. These types of content-based language textbooks are increasingly important and relevant for expansion of international curricula. As a result, Cornell University’s Johnson Graduate School of Management in 2010 requested for permission to add the author’s Chinese business language course to the International Management MBA curriculum. The content of this book is adapted to appeal to a far reaching audience including students from Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, America, Canada, Europe, and other Asian regions. Target users include students…
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