Jonathan Knutzen
708 Broadway
New York, NY 10003
PhD, University of California, San Diego
MA, Brandeis University
BA, Wheaton College
Areas of interest:
Ethics, moral psychology
Jonathan Knutzen is an Assistant Professor/Faculty Fellow at NYU’s Center for Bioethics. He completed his PhD in philosophy at UC San Diego in 2020, with a dissertation on the nature and significance of personal autonomy. Before coming to NYU, Jonathan was a Lise Meitner Postdoctoral fellow at the University of Graz, where he worked on a project about existential risk and what’s at stake in human survival.
Unfinished Business. Philosophers’ Imprint. (forthcoming)
Deference and Ideals of Practical Agency. Canadian Journal of Philosophy 51(1) (2021): 17-32.
The Trouble with Formal Views of Autonomy. Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 18(2) (2020).