- Please submit no more than 3 pieces at a time.
- We will consider fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, memoir, and hybrid/experimental works. You may submit more than one kind of writing.
- We are less interested in considering academic essays, unless they are unusual in structure or form.
- We will consider works-in-progress.
- We will also be happy to consider artwork—photographs, drawings, even paintings if they can be digitized.
- We don’t do themes and we are not seeking any particular style or form. We are not in the business of censoring writers and artists, but we reserve the right to decline material which the editors deem inappropriate.
- Please include a brief note if possible, describing the piece, or how/why you came to create it, or your creative process, or anything you might wish to include if we publish your work. If the piece is a work-in-progress, you might wish to add a brief note about where the piece is heading.
To submit to the online magazine please use this form: https://goo.gl/forms/axcbQOTxOouB7uJa2
We look forward to considering your work.
–Stephen Policoff
Faculty Advisor & Editor