Mission Statement

My goals at the Loisaida center will be to assist the organization in carrying there goals, whihc consist of advocacy, place-making, cultural preservation, and more. To carry out these goals I will be working on a project that focuses on the experience of people coming over from the Caribbean after the 2017 hurricane season, most likely Puerto Rican Families coming over after Hurricane Maria. Many Families have come over to New York City and the Loisaida Center believes that it would be useful to have conversations with those families. We will possibly be focusing on amplifying those experiences, depending those families are looking for, as well as advocating for housing and health rights. Because Puerto Rican people are US Citizens, a difficult dynamic is created since citizeship rights are somewhat granted but they might still be be treated as immigrants. We will be looking at how to define the term “climate refugee” in this instance and how coming from that experience is unique.