Category: Share Fair 2015 Project Directory

Zach Coble

Digital Scholarship Services

Supporting NYU’s Digital Humanities Community

Digital Scholarship Services (DSS), a department within NYU Libraries began in December 2014. One of our strategic goals for AY2015 was to foster a campus community around digital humanities teach and research. We achieved this in 3 ways

– Polonsky Event Series
– Consultations
– Omeka Pilot

Our poster will describe each of these three initiatives and how they helped foster a digital humanities community of practice at NYU.

Yona Jean-Pierre


Pre-reg Tutorial Application

The Pre-registration Tutorial is an online, interactive program highlighting the conceptual and technical aspects of the first-year registration process. It is a collaborative, intra-departmental project, developed by the Academic Advisement Center (AAC) and Faculty Innovations Teaching and Learning Center (FITL).

Minghui Hu

Tisch School of the Arts

Rolling out Tisch New Website – Challenge and Opportunity

Tisch School of the Arts has launched a new redesigned website since our first website went online more than 10 years ago. In this live presentation, we will give the audience an overview on our design motivation, voice and tone selection, architecture construction, multimedia and social media integration, mobile device support, selective content delivery, user and content management, and search engine optimization throughout this massive project.

Marina Thomatos


Evolution of an Online Course

This project transformed a lecture format course into a fully-online asynchronous and synchronous course. The poster provides a few interactive diagrams and animations as examples from the course to demonstrate new ways to present instructional content beyond lecture with powerpoint slides.

Lexie Bryan

Polytechnic School of Engineering – Center for Faculty Innovations in Teaching & Learning

Online Content Packs at the School of Engineering

The FITL Center partners with faculty and staff at the School of Engineering to support their use of innovative teaching methods and instructional technology.

In 2015, we are working with several different groups at SOE to develop Content Packs, short online modules that deliver engaging multimedia content to students via NYU Classes. Our presentation introduces the concept of these modules, and then explores their evolution from flipping elements of the New Student Orientation process to their future in academic course supplements and faculty training opportunities.

Lendyll Capitulo

Steinhardt Technology Services

Steinhardt Technology Services Bridging the Gap Between Information and Academic Technology

In order to adapt to the changing landscape of technology at New York University, Steinhardt Technology Services had to make several strategic choices that preserved the operational effectiveness of Information Technology, while increasing bolstering Academic Technology services. In doing so, Steinhardt Technology Services has gone from a traditional desktop support service to a one-stop-shop for any, academic or information, technology need for the Steinhardt Community. In this poster, Steinhardt Technology Services will share their rationale behind some of the changes that were made while also discussing some of the challenges that the team will face moving forward.