Attacking Tolerance: Who's Bullying Anti-Bullying Educators?

The organization People for the American Way (PFAW) has a new report out on how religious groups are working to end tolerance and anti-bullying education in schools because they believe it normalizes non-traditional gender and sexual behavior.  The arguments to end such education, as summarized by PFAW, are that 1) anti-bullying training indoctrinates children into non-normative behavior that is harmful, 2) it gives LGBT students special rights, 3) it discriminates against those who oppose LGBT rights, and 4) it removes shame from LGBT students. Continue Reading →

Attacking Tolerance: Who’s Bullying Anti-Bullying Educators?

The organization People for the American Way (PFAW) has a new report out on how religious groups are working to end tolerance and anti-bullying education in schools because they believe it normalizes non-traditional gender and sexual behavior.  The arguments to end such education, as summarized by PFAW, are that 1) anti-bullying training indoctrinates children into non-normative behavior that is harmful, 2) it gives LGBT students special rights, 3) it discriminates against those who oppose LGBT rights, and 4) it removes shame from LGBT students. Continue Reading →

Attacking Tolerance: Who’s Bullying Anti-Bullying Educators?

The organization People for the American Way (PFAW) has a new report out on how religious groups are working to end tolerance and anti-bullying education in schools because they believe it normalizes non-traditional gender and sexual behavior.  The arguments to end such education, as summarized by PFAW, are that 1) anti-bullying training indoctrinates children into non-normative behavior that is harmful, 2) it gives LGBT students special rights, 3) it discriminates against those who oppose LGBT rights, and 4) it removes shame from LGBT students. Continue Reading →

The Burden of Disbelief

From a review by The Washington Post‘s Hank Stuever of  “The Sunset Limited,” a new HBO show written by Cormac McCarthy:

The bigger revelation here is Jones, in total sync with McCarthy’s words, bringing an understated, heavy-sigh sadness to the role of White. His burden of disbelief feels more real than Black’s insistence on a higher power. Early on, “The Sunset Limited” faintly suggests that Black is some sort of celestial presence, as if sent by God to investigate White’s worthiness for the afterlife. White keeps asking to leave Black’s apartment, but Black won’t let him go, on the pretense that White might head back to the station to leap in front of another train.

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