Our Daily Links: Knee-Slapper Edition

So guess what, Occupy Wall Streeters!  Your lucky day!  Jim Wallis has invited you in from the cold!  I totally can’t tell if Wallis is making a funny parody of all the inaccurate media coverage of the movement or if he actually thinks the people on the streets are pathetic orphans.

So let’s invite them to our Thanksgiving dinners all across the country, and have “table fellowship,” because that’s what church people do!

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Give Us This Day Our Daily Links

Gingrich is in. How he’ll appeal to the social conservatives is anyone’s guess.  || As Speaker Boehner plans his commencement speech for Catholic University of America, dozens of prominent Catholics have written him a letter that calls his policies “anti-life.”  || Becky Garrison has pointed us to John Shore’s analysis of the Sojourner’s gay ad kerfuffle, “Mr. Wallis and His Big Gay Waffle.” || Today The Presbyterian Church (USA) joined the Episcopal Church (US), the United Church of Christ and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America in permitting the ordination of gay ministers.  At least one Baptist thinks they’re all crazy.  ||  Speaking of Baptists…”But when it comes to disaster relief, the link between church and state has never been stronger than during the most recent storms in the South, say federal officials and the leaders of faith-based disaster relief work.” Continue Reading →

Inflating or Deflating Beck?

Becky Garrison: In her article for Washington Post’s On Faith blog about Glenn Beck and the Comedy Central rallies this weekend, Jennifer Butler neglects to mention that Faith in Public Life is the online host for Faithful America. As I noted in my post for The Revealer, Faithful America continue to protest Beck’s rantings in the hopes such advocacy efforts will result in strategically placed media and will increase both the nonprofit’s political profile and donor base. In my own post at On Faith, I reflect on how Beck relies on well-intentioned groups like Faithful America and Sojourners to launch campaigns against him because their anti-Beck advocacy efforts play into his persona as a persecuted American being hunted down by godless Nazis. Continue Reading →