In the News: Voting, Protesting, and Distracting

A round-up of recent religion news.
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In the News: Conversations, Congratulations, and Collaborations

A round-up of recent religion news. Continue Reading →

Daily Links: Briefly

Don’t miss in media res‘ fantastic series of events, “Religious Representations on Television,” from today through Friday.  See here for details.

Kathryn Joyce, The Revealer‘s first managing editor, interviews David Clohessy, national director of Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP) on the Catholic Church’s new tactic for silencing the group in court.

Rick Santorum pals around with a preacher who thinks non-Christians should get out of the U.S.

Scott Korb, our former books editor, writes at The Chronicle of Higher Education about the first Muslim liberal-arts institution in the U.S., Zaytuna College:

Not a Muslim myself, nor a believer in any appreciable way, I’ve spent much of the last 18 months with these scholars and their students: at a venerable mosque in Brooklyn and a storefront mosque in Oakland; at fund raisers in Washington, D.C.; New Brunswick, N.J.; New York City, and throughout the Bay Area; in online forums and open houses; in classrooms and in the basement of a Roman Catholic church; and in Muslim community centers located in low-rent business parks. When I asked Sheik Hamza recently whether he was surprised to see his name in the [NYPD surveillance] report, he said no. Although he added, “A lot of these young Muslims born here are not always aware of the history of real persecution of other communities. They would do well reading more history.”

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Patriot Acts: Narratives of Post-911 Injustice, Tuesday Sept. 13

Catch The Revealer books editor Scott Korb moderating an event tomorrow night at Gallatin (Jerry H. Labowitz Theater for the Performing Arts, 1 Washington Place) at 7 pm.

The panel will include Alia Malek, editor of Patriot ActsAdama Bah, Noor Elashi (daughter of Ghassan Elashi, who’s been placed in a “Communications Management Unit”), Ebadur Rahman, a student at NYU’s Gallatin School, and NYU’s Imam Khaled Latif.

For more information, see the Gallatin event page and the Voices of Witness page. Continue Reading →