In the News: What Happened & What Now?

A round-up of recent religion news.
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Calling Nazi

Ashley Baxstrom: Thank God for celebrities, you know? Like, for real. Because without them, how else would conservative religious authors promote their books in new and exciting ways, am I right?

Author and radio personality Teresa Tomeo has found her golden goose (or is it a calf?) to rail against in the recent remarks made by actress Susan Sarandon about Pope Benedict XVI. During a red-carpet interview at last weekend’s Hamptons International Film Festival, Sarandon referred to the Pope as a “Nazi.” The comment came up during a conversation about Sarandon’s 1995 film “Dead Man Walking,” based on an anti-death penalty book by Sister Helen Prejean, whom Sarandon portrayed in the film. Sarandon said she had sent a copy of the book to Pope John Paul II, “the last one, not this Nazi one we have now.” Continue Reading →

It is 1939 Again

From Bishop Wallace Benn’s response to the press this week:

Sir, Some media reports have suggested that at Reform’s national conference I likened those who supported the consecration of women bishops to the Nazis. I did not. Misrepresentation in the Press is a painful and serious matter that can be damaging if it is believed. I wish to put on record that:-

I never mentioned Hitler or the Nazis in my 45-minute interview with Paul Perkin at the conference. Nor did I even have them in mind as I made clear to Ruth Gledhill (the reporter in question) when she asked me about this on the day before the original article appeared in The Times (November 3).

I said that the situation in which we find ourselves in the Church feels like people probably felt as they viewed the year ahead in January 1939. There are storm clouds on the horizon and warfare around the corner. We all hope and pray that it won’t happen.

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