In the News: Apocalypse, Saints & Breadsticks
A round-up of recent religion news. Continue Reading →
a review of religion and media
A round-up of recent religion news. Continue Reading →
Amy Levin: Last week, rushing through the Atlantic-Pacific terminal in Brooklyn, I passed my usual underground subway Jesus cheerleader, warning passersby about anything from the apocalypse to the dangers of evolution. Normally I take their pamphlets – I figure if you study religion, you might as well look twice when it’s standing right in front of you. This time I regretfully ran past in my hurried state, but I had just enough time to glance at their sign which read: “The Truth About Halloween.” I presumed they weren’t warning New Yorkers about the dangers of poisonous candy or child predators, and instead evoking a warning about Satan’s Birthday. And while I happen to like birthdays, there’s still a part of me that wants to know “the truth.”
Remember Chick Tracts? Here’s a classic, dug out from the files by The Sensuous Curmudgeon.
Remember Chick Tracts? Here’s a classic, dug out from the files by The Sensuous Curmudgeon.
Marissa Kantor: At a moment where every lunch bag left under a chair is deemed a potential bomb, it should come as no surprise that Halloween, a holiday of costumes Continue Reading →
‘Tis the season for embarrassing hysterics over occultism and the cruel, intimidating tactics of devil-worshipping trick-or-treaters. In the spirit of that season, the Church of England’s Bishop of Bolton, the Continue Reading →
Halloween… time to bake the challah. Keren Engelberg, a contributing writer for The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles, reports that some scholars suspect the Sabbath bread got its twists in pagan Continue Reading →